Little Jinnie In The Well 3

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Waited For By: @straykids_sisters and Bread_baguette133

It was still raining and just as dark outside.

Jisung was using his strength to carry Hyunjin to the maintenance pipe entrance near the ponds.

Luckily, Hyunjin was very skinny from his ordeal, so Jisung easily carried him along.

"There are phones in the tunnels Jinnie. We can call for help there."

They reached the pipe entrance and Jisung opened it, walking inside and down the steps that led to the main network.

After going a few more feet forward, he saw a landline phone on the wall.

Jisung carefully put Hyunjin on the ground, going to the phone.

He picked up the phone, dialing for help.

"Emergency services, what's your emergency and where are you calling from?"

"Hi, uh, my name is Han Jisung. About a month ago, my member Hyunjin fell into a well behind our house. I found him, he was at the water company. I managed to get him out. We're in the maintenance pipes near the ponds at the factory area."

"Okay sir, help is on the way. Stay near the phone for any callbacks and updates. It may take a while to reach your location, as it is quite remote."

"That's fine...just...please hurry as fast as you can."

Jisung put the phone down, going back to Hyunjin.

He picked him up, holding the boy against his chest to keep him warm.

"Did you hear that Jinnie? They're coming for us."

Jisung found himself instinctual rocking him back and forth, tapping his back like he usually did when they were home.

"You know, we have had quite a hard time without you. We even called the fire department earlier today because we thought you were in the well again."

Jisung smiled, looking down at Hyunjin.

There was a very faint smile on his face, but his eyes were closed and he was a bit pale.

"The guys will be so happy when I get you back home. I'll be happy. I missed you..."

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