Get A Haircut (Little Changbin)

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Little: Changbin
Caregiver: Felix
Requested by: penguinPruzinsky

There is nothing Felix loves more in this world than caring for his precious baby.

That baby, is Changbin.

For a while now Felix has been the primary caregiver of the little. The two do everything together and have gotten closer than they ever thought they would get.

Today was going to be a test, however, of just how much the little trusted his caregiver.

"Are you ready to go BinBin?", Felix asked.

"No want."

"But baby~"

"No want go."

"I'll get you an ice cream if you be a good boy."

Changbin thought for a second, squinting his eyes and pouting.

"Otay appa. We go!"

"As expected."

Felix led Changbin to their car.

Today, Changbin was getting a haircut. The little wasn't too excited about this.

The reason you ask?

Well, he remembers how it felt when he got them as adult BinBin. All the loud noises, the people, it would make poor little BinBin scared.

During the ride to the barber shop, Felix played some calming kids songs that Changbin liked.

He sang along with them to help ease the obvious anxiety of the baby next to him.

It didn't take long to arrive at the barber shop.

The little got out of the car, prepared for the worst.

But Felix always came prepared.

"Well look who's at the barber shop today?", a chicken plushie said, appearing beside Changbin.

"You here too Mr. Chicky?"

"Why yes BinBin. Us chickens need to get our feathers cut every once in a while."

The little laughed.

"Let's go inside, shall we?", Mr. Chicky asked.

The little happily held the hand (or claw) of the stuffed animal, while Felix held the other.

The two entered the barber shop, sitting down in the row of chairs against the glass window.

It was nearly empty at this time of day, and only two people were in a chair getting their haircut.

A hairdresser emerged from the back door of the shop at the sound of the front door closing.

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