We Don't Like Him, Dad 2

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Requested by: @straykids_sisters and ByFelix143 and Yara19280 and Wixies_wittle_

Chan was coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower, smelling what he recognized as Minho's cooking from downstairs.

They had been dating for over two months, and Minho spent a lot of time with Chan and the kids.

"Smells good baby.", Chan said, walking up behind Minho, and hugging him.

Minho leaned back a little, feeling warm in Chan's embrace.

"Me or the food?"

"Both.", Chan replied, kissing him on the neck.

Minho laughed a little.

"I'm making 삼계탕 (samgyetang). Have you had it before?"

"I have. But not from you."

"Well if you go wake the boys from their naps, we can all eat."

Chan turned Minho around, staring at him.

"You're something special, aren't you?", he said.

"Keep looking at me like that...and I-"

"Will kiss me till I drop? You're not a boys love character Lee Minho."

"And you're not a top, Christopher."

"Okay you win."

Minho laughed again as Chan walked away, going to wake up the boys from their nap time.

Entering the first bedroom, Chan saw Seungmin and Jeongin sleeping in the same bed.

The side of Jeongin's crib was open, so Chan could only guess that Seungmin somehow freed his little brother.

He went over to them, gently waking them up.

"Come on babies, time to get up.", he said.

Seungmin whined, being picked up by Chan.

"Aww, did I scare you baby?"

Seungmin shook his head no, leaning on Chan.

Jeongin woke up, pacifier still in, noticing his dad.

He reached up to him.

"Come here little fox.", Chan said.

He managed to pick up Jeongin in his other arm.

His two youngest babies leaned on him, still a bit sleepy.

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now