A Dog Called Potato 3 (Ending)

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Requested by: herminebine

Jisung, his lovely dog Potato, and Hyunjin were seated in the doctors office, while the doctor talked to Chan.

Little Hyunjin was trying to get Potato to bark by pretending to hold his hand out to her before retracting it.

"Jinnie, why we not get you dog too?", Jisung asked.

"I can get dog?"

"Yes! All we have to do is ask nice doctor lady and we can get you dog!"

Little Hyunjin liked the idea of having his own dog, a dog like Potato.

Chan came back into the room.

"Okay cuties. We got some very good news."

Both littles stood up.

"So it turns out the problem Hyunjin is having can be corrected, all they have to do is get him on the right medicine, and he will be okay."

"So I not have to see that scary person anymore?", Hyunjin asked.

"You won't have to baby. I'm finalizing things with the doctor."

Jisung walked closer to Chan.

"Channie, can Jinnie get a dog?"

"A dog?"

"Potato help Jinnie in car, so he need one just like her!"

Chan looked at Hyunjin, who softly pet Potato on her head, while the dog sniffed him.

"I'll see what we can do."

"Yayyyy! You hear that Jinnie? You might get your own Potato. Then we have Potato twins."

Hyunjin and Jisung both gasped.

"Potato twins...", they said in unison, laughing.

Chan laughed as well, taking the pair and dog from the room.

He met up with the doctor while the littles tried to figure out a way to hijack the vending machine for all its snacks.

"Doctor, can I ask you something?"

"Yes sir you can. What is it?"

"Hyunjin wants a service dog. And I personally think it may be a good idea."

"I was actually going to suggest one for him."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. Hyunjin is a perfect fit for a service dog given his needs."

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