🖤 Encore! 2

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Requested by: Yuqisoundddd________

Felix was sitting in the hotel room with Jenga blocks, playing with Seungmin.

Changbin was supervising to make sure neither of them tried to eat the blocks.

At some point, Jisung entered, carrying a box of chocolates.

"Anyone want some?", he asked.

"I do!", Felix said.

"I'll save it until after the concert.", Changbin replied.

Jisung handed one to Felix and Seungmin.

"Are the other members ready?"

"Yeah. Just waiting for Chan.", Jisung replied.

"I guess we can go wait downstairs."

Everyone got up, going out into the hallway to go downstairs.

It was the boys first night in California, in a recently renovated arena with new light fixtures and an updated stage.

Everyone was excited, because they hadn't seen the venue yet. They would see it just when they go onstage to perform.

When they reached the lobby, they saw Jeongin already waiting.

He was pacing around, seeming nervous.

"Jeongin, what's up? You look nervous.", Jisung said.

"I don't know. I feel weird. I don't like it."

"It it nerves or something else?"

The maknae sat down.

"Something else. This isn't nerves."

Changbin sat next to him. Felix sat on the other side.

"Take a deep breath for me. Relax a bit. Do you need water?"


Seungmin went to go get some.

Felix leaned on Jeongin and the maknae happily embraced him.

Changbin felt Jeongin's forehead for a fever.

"You're a bit warm. For safety, you should take it easy today."

"You mean not perform? I can't do that. I just need to focus and get myself together."

Jisung noticed Felix seemed a little tired.

"Lixie honey, you okay?", he asked.

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