Never Hit The Baby 2

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Requested by: XBl_LoverX and Yara19280 and joonies_crabs and emily1454750

"Don't be upset darling. I'll talk to him."

"You will baby?"

"I will. How dare he make my Hyunjin upset?"

Hyunjin was at the Ateez household, being comforted by his boyfriend, Song Mingi.

"Want me to drive you Mingi?", Seonghwa asked.

"No I'll just call. I don't want to leave Hyunjin alone."

Hyunjin relaxed against Mingi's chest, yawning and stretching out.

"You're sleepy darling?"

"Yeah. And my face hurts."

"I'll lay you down. Come on, bed."

Mingi stood up with Hyunjin, carrying him all the way to the room he shared with Yunho.

Yunho was on his bed and saw Mingi put Hyunjin down, and the younger boy relax.

"He alright?", Yunho asked.

"Yes. Watch him for a second."

"Gotcha buddy."

Mingi went out of the bedroom and down the hall to an empty room.

He took out his phone and dialed a number into the number pad.


"Jisung. You already know why I'm calling."

"Look I'm sorry."

"Jisung. You are one of Hyunjin's best friends. Do you have any idea how many times he's confided in me about you? How happy he was that you now agreed to be his friend?"

"I know okay. And I'm sorry. I apologized so I don't know what to do. He doesn't want to talk to me."

"And you know why?"

"He's mad."

"He's hurt, Jisung. He went through the whole ordeal of being falsely accused of bullying and had to deal with that. And now you're adding fuel to the fire of people falsely accusing him of being mean to you."

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