Monophobia 2

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Waited for by: PocketBear23 kor1988 kaistyles01 XBl_LoverX

The other members were home, and Minho informed all of them of the situation.

They reassured him that the littles just needed to be cared for and reassured they wouldn't be left home alone again.

Hyunjin was being held by Changbin in the older members room.

Seungmin was with Chan in his room as well.

"Jinnie? How are you feeling?", Changbin asked.

Hyunjin cuddled closer to him.

"Binnie hyung...why did my parents leave me?"

Changbin didn't know how to respond. He stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.

"Jinnie, I don't know. But you're here with us now. And we're not leaving you."

Hyunjin looked up at him.

"You promise? Promise me you'll never leave me. Please."

Changbin smiled. He pat Hyunjin on the head and sighed.

"I am not going anywhere. You're a part of my life I never want to end."

Hyunjin put his arms around Changbin.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Cutie."

In Chan's room, he was babying Seungmin to max capacity.

He had the little in a different outfit, wrapped in a blanket with the ceiling fan on and was telling him how cute he was.

"Oh my gosh, your little smile! Look at you, handsome baby. Don't worry, I'll take care of you. This hyung isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

Baby Seungmin laughed for the first time all day.

"Ah! It worked. I made you laugh. I'm doing a good job."

The baby just smiled at Chan, making the occasional noises and biting his blanket.

"So. Cute. You're just like a tiny puppy. Let me get you a pacifier. Are you sleepy?"

Baby Seungmin just made a small yelling noise, reaching for Chan.

"Awwwww. I'm taking photos of you to show off. Seungcheol thinks his littles are cuter, but our babies are too adorable!"

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now