It Takes A Village (Kid Chan)

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Little/Kid: Chan
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Requested by: Sunrisesunset234

"Okay what do we do?"

"All we have is like Children's Tylenol."

"So someone needs to go buy medicine. Someone stays with Chan, and someone breaks the news to his dad."

"Shit I'm not doing that."

"Language Jisung."

"Don't tell me about language you chupacabra looking-"

"Jisung shut it.", Minho replied.

"Seungmin started it."

Minho, Seungmin, and Jisung turned around to look at the sleeping toddler that is Chan.

They just discovered that Chan has a cold, and all because they thought it was a good idea to play outside in the rain in November.

"I'll go tell his dad. Seungmin, you go get medicine. Jisung, stay with Chan."

"Okay.", they replied.

Minho left the room in search of the one person he dreaded telling this new information too.

He heard talking in a room down the hall and went to it.

Opening the door, he saw Jeongin and Felix fixing the maknaes PC.

"Hey, Jeongin. So we have a problem."

"What's wrong Minho hyung?"

"Chan has a cold."

Jeongin stood up.

"My baby! When did he get sick? Do we have medicine? Oh I need to call his doctor and-"

"Calm down. Seungmin is getting medicine."

"Okay. Good. I'm going to see him. I'll be back in a minute Lix."

Felix waved goodbye to Jeongin as he left the room.

Minho took a deep breath, leaning against the door frame.

"Stressed yet, Uncle Minho?", Felix asked.

"Mostly because I'm scared of Jeongin in dad mode."

"Just hope he doesn't find out you're the reasons why Chan is sick."

"How did you know?"

"Uncle Felix knows all."



Jeongin entered the room where Jisung sat with Chan.

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