They Don't Believe You 2

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Requested by: DreamNight09 and ByFelix143

"Make it make sense please."

"I don't see the problem Minho. I booked us a group trip to Japan. I thought you would be happy.", Jisung said.

"Jisung how are we supposed to go to Japan when we have to plan for a comeback?"

"We can do it there! A new environment, new inspiration. Also, new area for the baby aussies to play in."

Right now, Little Felix was teaching Baby Chan how to peel oranges.

"No eat orange peel Channie.", Felix said.

Chan put it down.

"You take peel off, like this."

Felix showed him how to take off a piece of the orange peel, making the baby laugh, who now wanted to orange.

"Here you go Channie."

Jeongin came in, dressed in nothing but pink basketball shorts and a SpongeBob t-shirt.

"Where are you going?", Jisung asked.

"Nowhere yet. But tonight. Oh...tonight is the night."

"What night?"

"Only the biggest idol party in South Korea!"

Minho and Jisung looked at one another.

"Yeonjun is hosting it at the night park outside of town. Everyone will be there. We have to go!"

"What about the littles?"

"Bring them. I'm sure adult Chan and Felix would love to party with everyone."

Jisung and Minho took a moment to think.

A party with so many idols it takes a park outside of Seoul to hold them all?

What could go wrong?

"We're in.", Minho said.

"Good. Tonight at 8."

Jeongin grabbed the bag of goldfish crackers he left on the table and went back to his room.

"Daddy, we go party?", Felix asked.

"Looks like we are babies. This is going to be...wild."


Stray Kids arrived at the park hosting the party.

Just like Jeongin projected, it was full of idols varying from the Shinee members all the way down to 4th Gen groups like TXT and Ateez.

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now