A Park Not Far Away 2

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Requested by: @kpopmultifandom10 and Yara19280
(TW: Mentions Of Self-Inflicted Harm)

"He what."

"He doesn't remember anything."

They all turned to Chan.

"Hi.", he said.

"Hi, Chris.", Felix replied.

Chan had been released from the hospital and the members were taking him back home.

Along the way, they tried to think of various ways to bring back his memory.

"The studio! What about the studio?", Changbin asked.

"Good idea.", Minho said.

Changbin pulled up photos of the studio on his phone, showing them to Chan.

"Remember this place?", he asked.

Chan stared at it.

"No. But it's nice. I like the setup."

"We're screwed. He doesn't remember his own studio!", Changbin said.

"Okay okay, calm down. We can figure this out.", Felix said.

"I like your accent. Where are you from?", Chan asked Felix.

"We're both from areas of Sydney, Chris."

"Oh really? Nice."

"Yeah this is getting more and more difficult. He literally doesn't even know his fellow aussie.", Jeongin said.

The members soon reached home, and Minho instructed Chan to go get some rest.

Chan agreed and was brought to his room.

"Okay. Brainstorming time.", Minho said.

"If Chan doesn't remember his studio, like the most important piece of his career, it's going to take something drastic to get his memory back.", Felix said.

Seungmin thought.

"I have an idea."

"Yeah?", Changbin said.

"Remember that time, back during Maxident era, when we were practicing and I got sick to the point I suddenly collapsed during practice? When Chan said that was something he would never forget because of how scared he was?"

"We remember.", Minho said.

Seungmin smiled.


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