Scary Stories To Tell In The Cold 2

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Requested by: Wixies_wittle_ and @kpopmultifandom10

"Lee Taemin open this damn door already!", Minho yelled.

"I'm trying! My hands are cold!"

The Shinee members and Little Felix had left the home, arriving at the groups personal practice studio.

Taemin said it should be a safe place from the dog according to the journal.

"Okay, we're in!"

They all ran inside and Taemin closed the door.

"Before we do anything else, Taemin, I need an explanation. What the hell was that?", Key asked.

"The dog ghost from my stories! I'm glad you guys finally saw it, I was starting to think I was crazy.", he replied with a smile.

"So how do we get rid of it?", Onew asked.

"I don't know. It's been here for a very long time. I don't expect it to leave anytime soon."

Felix stood by Taemin.

"Puppy was scary."

"I know baby."

"It gonna bite me?"

"No sweetie. It won't."

Felix held tightly to Taemin.

"So we're until we figure out how to get rid of the dog?", Minho asked.

"Yep.", Key said, "I'm sure as he'll not going back to that house."

"Uh, I don't mean to alarm you all...but Taemin, you might want to turn around.", Onew said.

Taemin and Felix turned around to see none other than the dog.

"F***.", Taemin said.

"Language.", Key replied.

"Oh that's rich coming from you."

The dog began to walk towards them.

"Guys! Run!", Taemin yelled.

The members took off, with Taemin behind them and Little Felix in front of him.

"I've never run so fast in my life!", Key yelled.

"I have!", Minho said, passing him up.

They ran down the hall of the practice studio.

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