He's Just Too Cute <Pt.2> (Little Changbin)

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Little: Changbin
Caregivers: Stray Kids (mainly Hyunlix)
Requested by: WillSonofApollo

"Give me the baby."

"Felix we haven't even fully stepped into the front door yet.", Chan said.

"Lixie!", Changbin yelled.

"Hi cutie!", Felix yelled back.

The two hugged tightly.

"You are sooooo cute! Look how adorable!", Felix said, pinching Changbin's cheeks.

"Let him breathe for a second Felix.", Minho laughed.


The members were getting situated in the house as Felix claimed baby Changbin as his own.

"So since we're parents now, there needs to be a few rules.", Chan said.

"Rule number one, Felix keeps the baby at all times.", Felix said.


"You're mean."

"The real rule number one is that we need to have kid rules. Kids need attention, and kids will do a lot of things to get attention. So we need to make sure we have rules regarding who spends what time with Changbin."

The members agreed.

"I vote that we split time by days.", Seungmin said.

"And Felix gets the baby every day?", Felix asked.

"No.", Chan said again.

"Come on! Baby Changbin loves me! Isn't that right my boy?"

"Right Lixie! I love you!"

"See...I taught him that."

"We've been home for less than ten minutes. How did you teach him anything?", Minho asked.

"Another reason why I deserve full custody.", Felix stated.

Chan was about at his wits end.

"Let's go with Seungmin's idea.", Chan said.

"Yay!", Seungmin replied.

"There are seven of us, and seven days in a week. So one day we will be for everyone."

"I call partnering with Minho.", Seungmin said.

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