As Long As You Love Me (Little Chan)

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Little: Chan
Caregiver: Minho
Requested by: jisunguncheeskeki

Chan was sitting alone in his room. Crying.

Why you ask? Well, approximately three hours ago, Chan got into the worst argument he has ever had with a member of his group.

He and Jeongin had an altercation that related to a recent trend going around on Twitter and TikTok.

People were sending massive hate towards the maknae, all because of a video where Chan jokingly called Jeongin rude, because of his sassy attitude.

Everyone didn't see it as a joke obviously, and it cause such a big deal online, that Jeongin himself believed Chan meant it in a malicious way.

"Chan, are you in there?", Minho asked.

"Go away!"

"Chan please, talk to me."

"No! No want talk! Go away!"

Minho sighed from the other side of the door.

"People were just taking things out of hand. I'm sure Jeongin will get over it soon."

"He no like me! I bad boy! I make Innie angry!"

Minho sat down in front of the door.

"Baby...I know how you feel. People say bad things on the internet and it hurts sometimes. But we can deal with this. Together."

Changbin was coming up the steps, holding a cup of green tea with a lemon slice in it.

"Chan still locked in his room?"

"Yep. Where are you going?"

"To console the maknae. He's been crying nonstop and he thinks Chan hates him, and he's been saying he doesn't deserve to be in Stray Kids if he's like this."

"So it's safe to say this has gotten out of hand."

"For sure. Update me if you get him out of his room."

Changbin walked past Minho, going to the maknaes room.

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