Feeding Pandas (Little Minho)

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Little: Minho
Caregiver: Chan
Requested by: peanut_butter_jelly4

The Stray Kids members were on tour, as per their usual yearly routine.

But this time, in between locations, they had time for a break.

It was the day before the final stretch of the Asia part of the tour, and the members were visiting a zoo during their flight layover in China.

"Dada, they got PenPens!", Minho yelled.

"Oh I see baby. I didn't know they had penguins here."

"Dada, I touch da PenPen?"

"I don't think we can touch the penguins baby."

"PenPens not like me?"

"I'm sure they do Minho. But they don't want to be touched."

Minho just pouted and walked away, with Chan following him.

The members split up, going to see various exhibits of animals they rarely saw at the zoos back home.

Little Minho, and his caregiver Chan, were seeing every animal they could. Mostly because Minho insisted on talking to all of them.

"Dada what that one?"

"That's a giraffe honey."

"W-why it so tall?"

"Good question. I do not know the answer."

"Maybe book tell me? I have animal book at home!"

"You sure do. We can read it once we get back."

Minho excitedly clapped with a smile on his face.

One thing Little Minho loved was animals. After all, he had three cats of his own.

"Dada look, it kitty."

"Oh wow...Panthers. Absolutely gorgeous."

"I pet da panther?"

"Oh no no no. No petting panthers baby."

Minho fixed his overalls as he stepped closer to Chan.

"Why not pet panthers dada?"

"Because they are dangerous. They could bite you?"

"Panthers eat me?!", Minho said shocked.

"They might."

Minho screamed, hiding behind Chan. The older laughed to himself, turning around to face Minho.

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