Lost In My Heart (Little Hyunjin)

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregiver: Minho
Requested by: Un_Knowing_Lee33

Hyunjin was under the covers of his bed.

He wasn't hiding, or sleeping.

He was crying.

The reason why you ask?


"Daddy no like Jinnie no more~"

The little cried and cried, upset and the thought that Minho didn't want him anymore.

Recently, Minho hasn't been spending time with Hyunjin.

He's been a host for a variety show for almost a week now, and has had no time to take care of Little Hyunjin.

But it wasn't until this morning that Hyunjin came to the conclusion that Minho simply didn't care anymore.

(Flashback - This Morning)

Minho was getting ready for another exhausting day hosting a show he really, really didn't want to be doing.

It wasn't that the content was bad, but he hated the work environment.

It was toxic, and he endured verbal abuse on several occasions.

"Daddy! Come play with Jinnie.", Hyunjin said.


"Daddy please! We not play games lately."

"I'm busy Hyunjin."

"You always busy Daddy! You no want play with Jinnie ever!"

Minho was about at his wits end.

"Hyunjin, go away please. I have to go to the show."

"Can I go with?"


"But daddy!"

"Hyunjin, shut up and go! I have told you countless times I'm busy! I don't have time to sit here and play with someone who isn't even a real child!"

Hyunjin had been holding up a stuffed animal, but put his arm down.

"Please go somewhere and sit down. And for once, I am begging you, don't don't me to play with you! The answer is NO!"

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