Cooking Like Several Chefs (Little Minho)

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Littles: Minho and Sf9's Chani and Zuho
Caregivers: Chan and Sf9's Rowoon
Requested by: Y00nBambi

"Please take these kids. I have to work and they're very, very energetic today.", Rowoon said.

Zuho and Chanhee ran inside of the house, past Chan.

"I see...well I guess it's a good time for their playdate. Minho! Your friends are here!"

Minho came down the steps at such a high speed that he slid into the couch.

Chan ignored this however, because it has happened several times, and watched Minho stand up, brushing off his clothes.

"Have fun boys!", Rowoon said.

"We will papa!", Zuho said.

Chanhee just waved goodbye, as he was the younger little and his pacifier was currently occupying him.

After they said goodbye, Minho took their hands and led them away to his room.

Rowoon said goodbye to Chan before leaving.

Chan closed the door, going back up to his room to finish some work himself.

He was sure Minho, Zuho, and Chanhee wouldn't do anything bad.

After all, what's the worst that could happen leaving three kids unsupervised?


"What we do Minho?", Zuho asked.

"I want do cooking! For Chan hyung!", Minho responded.

"We cook? What we make?"

"Chan hyung like chicken! I want make him chicken bowl!"

The other two littles agreed.

Baby Chanhee was being held by his big brother, listening to the conversation but not actually paying attention.

Minho and Zuho stood up, with Zuho still carrying his little brother, and quietly left the room.

Chan and Minho were the only members home at the moment because everyone else was dragged by Changbin to a duck pond to (totally not) feed the ducks despite being told not to.

The littles made their way downstairs, past Chan's room.

The leader had his headphones on, working diligently, so he couldn't hear a thing.

The littles made it to the kitchen, and the plan became underway.

Minho wanted to cook for Chan because he knows his caregiver has been very busy. Chan hasn't had a proper meal in a while, and Little Minho wanted to make him something delicious.

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