Undrowned Demons

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I will crush your hope
Sunder you will
Bring to the brink of your final hill

And now you'll see what chaos you sew
With wills intertwined, your fears you've known
As I tear you down to nothing but words

I will feast upon your anger
Drink your rage
Inhale your pain

I will take the worst parts of you and use it against you
I will pry at the cracks
I will snip at the seams

I want to see you come undone
Your mind unraveled
Your body unrestrained

I will crush your confidence
And break your restraint
An ill minded thought that I wish to taint

Give in and take me with you

Jump off the deep end
At least try to pretend
That what I'm saying will try to mend

Your heart, perhaps your soul maybe your mind
All to be swayed to more fury, and less kind
Breath deep of another feeling

Only now do we begin the unsealing

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