Run Ragged

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I'm starting to feel worn out and dragged along

With each passing day now feeling more wrong

All the effort I've spent, trying to chase the crumbs you've left me

I feel myself falling deeper into a hole you won't catch me from 

I'm left waiting, and wanting for things that will never come

And yet I wonder if I deserve to be angry 

If I deserve to feel anything at all  

You could drop scraps at my feet and I would scramble to catch them 

But to give you a feast, you'd only share brief pause 

So I wonder, and I have lost so many nights of sleep over a fool's question and a wiseman's answer

Why do I continue to humor such idiocy? Such idealism?

Because I simply fail to learn, and now I'm fighting myself 

Between a fantasy and a harsh reality 

Between my mind and insanity 

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