Life during a Pandemic

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I finally traveled outside for the first time in three weeks. 

The same streets I once knew are becoming forests

Overgrown and maintained 

Everyone wears a mask, and rarely looks you in the eye 

Streets are quieter, and there are more cars parked than moving 

I have realized most, that I miss the noise of a bustling city 

I miss the loudness of a room with mixed company 

I miss the sensation of a simple hug, of a hand shake, of a kiss 

We are not hungry, we are not thirsty

And yet we are left craving more than I had ever hoped 

The city around me is becoming a forest as days go on

And the lives this has changed, has taught us more than we had ever hoped

I remain strong, and hopeful we will keep the lessons we have learned closed to our heart. 

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