A violently,peaceful thought

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How pathetic is the caged endeavor
The potential left untapped
How weary the frustration

A taxing thought
An exhausting undertaking
A monsoon, a river, an ocean of regrets

And yet we are no closer to learning from our mistakes if not through pain
How violent the visions of the future and beyond
We are no fools, nor blind to what we see in front of us.

But I must confess that pen and paper, friends anew do nothing to console me, no
They are simply witnesses with no mouths
Watching with no eyes

So if I know the answer to the problem, why does it stay unsolved?
Why do good ideas fall the floor in the room of innovation
Perhaps it is not only necessary to seize the day, but the means to do so too.

I am no quitter, no thief of my own happiness
But there are days where in one moment, I find it allusive
What do I trust, if not myself?

So we must realize that what we lose in time, we may gain in wisdom
So long as we cast our nets to catch it in abundance.
There was once a time when I believed you become wiser simply as time falls through your fingers, but there is merely one part of a greater puzzle.

My fingers are still no less tired, still no less wary of another line of letters.
But they do not refuse me yet, I will not allow them
The same I ask of you. Do not refuse me. I will not allow you.

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