Words I never knew I needed to hear

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Hello there again, I miss you. I think you're wonderful you know? 

A score on a test will never change your worth 

A million failures and you are no farther from succeeding

You are not alone in your journey, but there will be challenges you must take on alone 

It's okay to sleep in, but never neglect your studies 

You will not be great at everything in life, there is no need to be, make life great with what you have 

You're going to feel heartbreak and crushing defeat in your life, these are what make you human, and that is okay

If you love someone, try telling them no to something they want, if they can not understand or respect your wishes, do not pursue them.

If you are unhappy, say so. If you are tired, say so. If you need a hug, say so. 

There is no thing more beautiful than a person who has found their passion and shares it with you. Do not dismiss theirs and do not worry about those that dismiss yours, carry on anyways. 

It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to make mistakes. It is NOT okay to fail to learn from your mistakes. 

It's okay to say no, and it's more than okay to refuse, but it is not okay to say yes when you adamantly want to say no.

You mean the world to me, and it would mean so much more if you took time to tell me what you wanted in life, what do you want out of the world. 



Keep Going. 

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