Not allowed

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You shouldn't be allowed to feel what you do 

Mourn over something that never happened 

Cry over words never shared 

But you do, and it's unfair 

All that energy spent sulking and sinking into a painful sadness

It should not be allowed 

All that pain, frustration 

It's just another part of the cycle we face in fighting fates fickle fingers

We shouldn't spend our energy on things

But we do, because we're wishing those words were shared, over the somethings and the maybes and what ifs

It simply isn't fair. 

I am frustrated over something that would probably never happen

Angry over small mistakes 

But they are mistakes all the same

And for that, I grieve on  a new day, sitting in silence with no closure 

What I wouldn't do, just to have some sense 

Make a few words that weren't just babbling 

Find a few thoughts that weren't full of hurt 

It isn't allowed, it shouldn't be 

But it is 

And it is what it shapes to be, with, or without my doing 

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