Tension ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader

Warnings: kissing, tons of tension they're cuddly?


It had been months and months of flirting between you and Xavier Thorpe. Consistent, unending, raw flirting. this included the batting of eyelashes, shoving of arms, longing stares, buying of gifts... everything. The whole shebang.

And god, were Enid, Ajax and Wednesday tired of it. Wednesday constantly wanted to claw her own eyes out when she saw you. Enid thought it was cute the first two months, but after that she was only confused as to why you would never make it official. And Ajax would just tease the two of you. He voiced his concerns with Xavier, occasionally with you, but mostly with xavier. He would mostly talk about how dumb he was to not just ask you out or make it official.

So, as Enid was scrolling through tiktok, she stumbled upon a certain video of two friends... or maybe they were more? Either way, they were sitting in front of each other, and each one moved closer to the other. The premise was whoever breaks the tension and kisses the other loses, she guessed?

Regardless, there was tension and there was a kiss and that is exactly what needs to happen with you and Xavier in order to put everyone out of their misery.

So, she sent the tiktok to Ajax and Wednesday, the message reading:

weregirl: OMG! we've got to get them to do this! they'd totally admit everything!

middleoftheweek: this is repulsive to watch, but i hope it will be worth it as long as they get whatever they need to out of their system

snakes4hair: if this gives my boy the push he needs to make a move then i'll do basically whatever

And just like that... the game was afoot.

"Dude" Ajax was laughing at the lunch table. you had thrown your legs over Xavier's lap, your head resting on his shoulder as he played with your hair. "There's this new thing I saw online the other day. Enid sent it to me, and I doubt you and Y/n would be able to do it" ajax chuckled as he looked towards Enid.

"Oh, definitely not" Enid shook her head exaggeratedly. "They'd never be able to do it"

"Do what?" Xavier spoke up as he took a bite of your sandwich.

"Yea, do what?" you perked up at the idea of a chellnege. "We could do it, right?"

"Hell yea" Xavier nodded as he patted your thigh. "We could 100% do it"

"I don't think you could" Wednesday said curtly, sneering at both you and Xavier's closeness. "At all"

"Yes we could!" Xavier removed his hands from your hair, throwing them up dramatically.

"Alright" ajax spoke up. "I dare you to complete this little challenge. You have to record it though, as proof, and post it"

"deal!" both you and Cavier looked at each other, giving each other a high five that only resulted in your hands holding.

Later that night, you and xavier had retreated to his shed as he painted before they sent you the video you had to recreate.

"Seriously?" you scoffed. "They're just sitting there looking at each other with music playing" you looked at Xavier as the video played.

"Wait" he pointed at the screen. "They're like inching closer to each other. like one does and then the other"

"But why?" you got your answer less than thirty seconds later. "Oh... " you glanced at xavier, who bit his lower lip before glancing at you with a smile.

"I never back down from a dare" Xavier shrugged as he looked at you.

You nodded, "Neither do I"

After setting up the camera with the video on the three-minute setting, about to start recording. You were sitting on the mattress that you had both smuggled in his shed, the one that used to be rowans before... well. Yeah. Both sitting across from each other, your legs were overlapped with each other's. Then, the music started playing.

At first you were both smiling, giggling, even. You inched closer to his face first, around 10 seconds after the music started. Your faces seemed closer than they ever were before, and that's when the smiles faded and the tension built.

He reached around you and pulled you on top of his lap for his move. The longer this went on, the more it felt like a game of chess, only physical. You swore you could see every shade of green littering his irises. His cologne somehow radiated around you. You made the mistake of looking at his lips, curiosity getting the better of you. He was gently biting his lower lip. It was almost as if he wanted you to kiss it better.

Then, you placed your hand on the lower side of his face, nearer to his neck. You could feel his pulse rate picking up. It was exciting to see what kind of power you had over him. You could now feel the way you affected him. Now, you saw as his eyes went to your lips which only made you smirk that much more.

He used both of his hands to bring your face right in front of his. He was everywhere. To your side, you would see his hands. His hands took up nearly your entire face, and you loved the way they felt against your skin. Part of you never wanted them to leave. You could nudge his nose with your own if you even slightly moved. You were getting close to losing this whole game. you wouldn't. you couldn't.

You tilted your head to the left, bringing your lips closer to his own but not touching. You were so close you could practically breathe in each other's air. You could feel his pulse pick up once more before you licked your lips, you felt his chuckle radiating around your head. But when you looked in his eyes you felt something totally different. It was heavier. It was more.

Then, with a mumble, "Screw it" he pulled your face into his own, kissing you with all the tension he had built up over not just the past two minutes, but from the past months of doing nothing.

Your hand moved up to his hair, running through it like you had so many times. In this context, though, your hand running through his hair was so, so much different. It was much more intimate.

You let his tongue into your mouth happily, nearly breaking the kiss with how big of a grin you had on your face. One of his hands moved to your waist, wrapping around you like the warmest hug you've ever had. Your other hand was holding the hand still on your face. you meant it when you said you never wanted them to leave.

Truth be told, you never wanted him to leave. You never wanted to stop kissing him. You've wanted to for months on end, but you were too scared of being rejected. You thought he was joking about all of the flirting sometimes. The touches, everything. But this kiss felt more real than time.

"I think I won" Xavier whispered as he went up for air. You shook your head.

"I think Ajax won" you chuckled as you both began to laugh. "Him or myself, of course" you rolled your eyes.

"We all won" he compromised.

"Stupid tension, huh?"

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