Heaven ~

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Pairing: Frat!xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: mild language, making out, mentions of sexual themes


Xavier Thorpe was the epitome of an annoying frat boy. The only reason you have to tolerate him is because of mutual friends and similar classes. If you had it your way, you would never be in his presence.

"Y/n, c'mon it's not a party without you. You never miss the frat parties" Enid clings to your arm giving her best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine E, I'll go. Only because I enjoy free drinks though"

"Yes! Yes! Me and Wednesday are gonna swing by your dorm to get ready" Enid gives you the biggest grin making you roll your eyes. She slides back into her seat that was sitting across from you.

"Okay. Who else is going?"

"If I'm not mistaken the whole group is going"

"Wait a second. Which frat house party is it?"

"Definitely not the one Xavier and Ajax are in" Enid mumbled under her breath. You glared at her with a clenched jaw.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Enid, you know I can't stand Xavier"

"You can't back out! You have to just ignore him" she looks at her phone and realized she was running late for her class. "Well look at time. I gotta go but I love you and I'll see you later!"

Enid gathers all of her books off the table and rushes to give your cheek a small peck. You were sure you wanted to kill her.

"I seriously hate you!" you yell out to the girl currently running towards the door.

"No you don't!" was the last thing you heard from her before she makes her out of the door.

True to her word, Wednesday and Emma came by your shared dorm room with Yoko. You still weren't sure if you wanted to go. Handling the stress of your math class with the midterm exam was enough on your plate. Now you have to deal with Xavier for another night out.

"Get dressed before we're late" Wednesday looks at you through her long mirror.

"You literally can't be late to a frat party Wednesday, and I have nothing to wear. So I can't go" you put on your best smile to make yourself seem innocent. Yoko shakes her head at you and immediately walks to your closet.

She was searching for a minute before finding the perfect party outfit. Yoko pulls out your black leather mini skirt with a simple dark green cropped shirt. Walking over to you, she hands you the outfit and wordlessly points to the bathroom.

"Ooo I know just the shoes for this outfit!" Enid digs through your shoes and pulls out your black chunky platform heels. She hands you the shoes as you reluctantly go to the bathroom.

Once you fully got dressed and ready, you took one look in the bathroom mirror silently admitting your friends picked out a great outfit.

"See you look hot. Xavier isn't gonna know what hit him" Yoko throws you a wink.

"This is torture enough. Let's go before I change my mind" you grabbed a dark washed jean jacket and your phone. The other three girls grabbed their belongings and everyone walked out the door.

"Okay ground rules. One, we have to let each other know when someone is leaving. Two, at least try to stick together. And three, Y/n try not to argue with Xavier" Yoko says to the three of you while linking arms with you.

"Tell that to blondie"

Finally making it to the frat house, music was blasting. At least they were playing the hood music you thought to yourself.

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