Lover ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: crying


Xavier knew something was wrong when he discovered that you were the person knocking at his door, chewing at your lower lip, and looking so close to tears. Since you started dating Tyler Galpin, you stopped visiting Xavier at that time of the night. He understood that your those encounters could no longer happen now that you had a boyfriend. What you and Xavier had was already a thing of the past. You were still friends, even though Xavier didn't like Tyler and your boyfriend tried to apologize to him, there was only one thing Tyler could do to get Xavier's forgiveness and that was giving back what once was his.

"What happened?" Xavier asked. Instead of answering his question, you jumped into his arms, and he had to take a few steps backwards to keep himself from falling.

Xavier quickly hugged you back. His arms squeezed you against his body just the way he knew you liked, tight enough to make you feel safe but still soft to not make it suffocating. Both of your hands were on his chest, covering your face as you sobbed in silence, while one of his caressed your back, and his other one was at the back of your head, doing the same thing with your hair.

"Okay, let's go." Xavier carefully pulled you away from him, holding your face in between his hands to make you look at him. His thumbs wiped the tears that rolled down your cheeks but it was useless because you couldn't stop crying. "Come here." He grabbed your hands with his and guided you to his bed. You sat next to each other but Xavier didn't let go of your hands. "Did something happen?"

Your bottom lip quivered before you told him that Wednesday finally found the identity of the Hyde. Xavier's eyes widened after you told him and he quickly understood why you knocked on his door crying. He hated Tyler, but he did not believe him capable of doing something like that to you. "I'm so sorry, y/n." Xavier put one hand over your shoulders and you rested your head on his chest. "You don't deserve this."

While you sobbed on your friend's chest, you couldn't help but feel stupid and regret every single moment you spent with Tyler. Xavier warned you about him and you didn't listen, yet he was there, not making you feel worse by saying "I told you", not closing his door at you for having been so naive, just comforting you and helping you to realize that it hadn't been your fault. You should've chosen Xavier, he had always been the right one.

Xavier wanted to kill him. At that moment he didn't care about how many people were killed by Tyler, Xavier only cared about the way he hurt you, about the way he lied to you. His jaw clenched thinking about how much you've loved Tyler, about the way your eyes shone every time you talked about him or after one of your dates, about how he played the nice guy around you but then was a true monster behind your back.

After what felt like forever, you were able to calm down and move away from Xavier. Your friend arched his eyebrows with concern. "How are you feeling? Any better?"

You nodded softly. Xavier knew you were lying.

"Look, I'm not letting him anywhere near you. You would never have to see him again, okay? It's over. Wednesday would go to the police, and everything will be over soon." You didn't know if Xavier's words were making you feel better or reminding you of how you fell for Tyler's lies.

Besides Xavier's soothing words, there was something else that could make you feel better. You stared at Xavier's lips, and when he noticed, he found himself with his eyes locked on your lips, thinking about how bad he had wished to have them so close to his again. He clenched his jaw, knowing this was wrong. You were having a breakdown. That wasn't a logical way of dealing with your problems but an emotional one that would not solve anything. An emotional response. Did that mean that that was what your heart was telling you to do, right? Not your brain, not what you were supposed to do but what you wanted to do. Xavier softly shook his head, he was overthinking this situation. This was wrong, you were not okay. "Y/n..." He called you while sighing against your lips right before you finally kissed him.

Oh, but your lips felt so good moving against his. They were wet and salty because of your tears and he could do nothing else but kiss you back. Quickly the kiss got more intense, your hands held both of his cheeks as his helped you to sit on his lap. Your hands moved to the back of his head and your fingers tugged his hair at the root. Once you pulled his hair, he gasped and finally realized what was going on.

"Y/n... We can't do this right now..." Xavier said while his hands went to grab your wrists. Your lips were still on his while he talked. "Y/n–"

"Please, I need it." You begged him as tears started rolling down your cheeks again, and how could he say no to you? Your eyes were red from all the crying you did, your cheeks were wet because of the tears, your bottom lip quivered softly but enough for Xavier to notice. He could feel your hands shaking under his grip. And if he was honest with himself, he had missed your kisses so bad. Not only your kisses but your giggling at his door after you dodged Thornhill, your hums and snuggles when he kissed your forehead at night, your hands braiding his hair... He missed what you two had before Tyler Galpin. He wished you had come back to him in other circumstances, but as you said, you needed it.

You needed Xavier.

Your lips ghosted over his, Xavier swallowed nervously. Your breathings were heavy, your lips half-open making it easy for them to mix. "Please, Xavier." You mumbled. Now it was Xavier the one that kissed you, holding your hips in place as your hands dug into his scalp again. This was exactly what you needed. When your lips were connected with Xavier, you weren't able to think about anything else besides how good it felt. And he didn't mind if you were doing that out of neediness or if you were just using him to forget about Tyler because as hard as he tried, he could never say no to you.

Xavier tucked your hair behind your ear after breaking away the kiss.

"Where's him now anyways?"

"I don't know, I think Wednesday is torturing him in your shack."

Xavier blinked slowly. "Wednesday is doing what?"

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