I have to follow my heart ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Addams!Witch!reader

Warnings: Supernatural fight, reader has visions, powers, mentions of Uncle Fester's electricity powers, sacrificing oneself (more or less), bits and pieces of the last episode, the battle between Joseph Crackstone and Wednesday


At times I wished I had the same emotionless expression as my "cousin." One might ask why I put air quotes around the word, it' simple.

Her uncle Fester happened to stumble upon myself and mother's violin when I was merely three months old during one of his "adventures".

As I previously said, I wish I could copy her expression, especially now. You slam your journal shut, turning to look at your clock.

You grab your jacket and exit the room, making your way towards Xavier's art shed. Your mind is blank but thoughts float around your mind, you wonder what it is he wanted to talk to you about.

With Wednesday firmly believing that he is the Hyde, it makes you more weary of being alone with him... in the woods but if you can talk to him in his safe space so he doesn't "totally freak out" as Enid would say, you believe it would do you good.

"Do you believe me?" Xavier spins around to look at you.

You gulp, this is not where you saw this going right after entering the shed. "I don't- I don't know" you say, giving him your honest answer.

"What do you mean you don't know? It's either you believe that I'm not the monster or you agree with your cousin" he hisses out the word you've grown accustomed to calling the pigtailed girl.

You ignore his gaze and opt to look at the floor. "I- I" the thought you had written down in your journal crosses your mind.

"I don't think you'd do all these things, but you have to admit the evidence she has does make it highly possible for you to be the Hyde"

He furrows his brows, face slowly becoming more void of emotion. "If you really believe that I'm the monster then why are you here?"

You raise your head. "I- I needed to see it for myself"

"See what?" He asks with a tired tone.

"I- what's that?" You point over to the sketchbook with a flower bookmark sticking out of it.

"That- that's nothing. Why is that important now?" He'd never admit it out loud, but he was always impressed with how your attention could be drawn elsewhere within a second, even if it isn't the most appropriate time for this to happen.

You ignore him and walk over towards it, opening the page to find a drawing of yourself playing your deceased mothers' violin. You reach for the flower and find yourself thrown into a vision.

How odd, Wednesday's the one who usually experiences these, at least from what you can remember. It is also weird how whenever she would have one, you would pass out.

Eugene's screams flood your mind.

The cave where the monster hides is on fire.

The Hyde's wide and red rimmed eyes.

Red boots... red boots?


You wake up, blinking as your eyes adjust to the moonlit room. "How did I get here?"

The numerous footsteps echoing throughout the hallway draw you out of bed.

You open the door and listen to the scared and panicked shrieks of the other students, rushing over towards the railing you find the red aura of the siren song on the lower floors.

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