Second place ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader

Warnings: insecure reader, angst to fluff


Rain patted down your windows as you listened to Fester and Wednesday talk. Fester was your dad, and though you did not mind his absence most days, you couldn't deny that you were hurt. Why would your father visit his niece, yet not spare a minute to check in on you.

However, you were not surprised. Growing up, you noticed how Fester was more affectionate towards Wednesday compared to you. When he came back from trips he always greeted you with a pat on your head and a smile. Wednesday, on the other hand, was hugged and they joked and laughed together. They had this unspeakable bond. It made you jealous, but you didn't require a father, and you wouldn't in the future.

A soft knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts. Your attention snapped to open threshold. Xavier, your childhood best friend, was leaning against the door frame.

"Hi," he smiled. You grinned back at the tall brunette. Xavier had first met you during his godmother's funeral. While Wednesday felt like it would be amusing for Xavier to scream until the adults found him, you had immediately sprinted for the red button that kept him from being burnt alive.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the Nightshade library?" You asked. From what you knew, Xavier intended on doing some research in the secret library about the monster.

"I am," He confessed, "But I wanted you to help me." You pretended to think, but you couldn't say no to his soft, pleading, green eyes. He hummed with delight as you rose from your bed and set down the book that you had had no luck reading.


"Uncle Fester?" Wednesday called out as she entered the Nightshade's library.

"Who's Uncle Fester?" Xavier asked as he seemed to materialise from the shadows. "My father," You replied as you scanned through the last page of the book you held before putting it back in it's rightful place.

You watched as Wednesday and Xavier insulted each other, it reminded you of squabbling rats. You rolled your eyes when Wednesday said that he liked her. Then you paused. No, it wasn't possible. Xavier could not like Wednesday after she kept pushing him away.

"Wow!" Fester commented. You whipped your head around to him as he came out of absolutely no where.

"How long have you been lurking?" You demanded. "Long enough to feel the tension between Wednesday and Xavier! Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner's axe," He smirked. Wednesday's eyes widened. You winced at the blatant reminder that your childhood best friend clearly liked Wednesday more then you, like everyone else.

The patter of fingers distracted you. Thing showed up from behind a pillar and Fester seemed so happy to see him...until thing started to throttle him over an old mission. You rolled your eyes. This was not new to you, Thing complained to you all the time about Fester, especially after they returned from a mission together.

"Stop," Wednesday snapped. You froze as well at her intimidating tone. Wednesday was always the scary one. You giggled as Fester turned around, Thing still held on to the side of his mouth as they both looked at Wednesday innocently. Wednesday rolled her eyes this time.

Soon after, Fester approached the picture of Iggy Itt, one of the ancestors of the Nightshades, a distant relatives of you and Wednesday, as you recalled. Behind the portrait was a safe. You were astounded as you never noticed the safe when you were poking around the old portrait.

"Can you crack this one quickly, or do I have time for a nap?" Fester remarked. Thing stretched his fingers as he begun to fiddle around with the number combinations. After a minute or two, Fester let out an exaggerated yawn before saying, "you know, this is starting to become a replay of Kalamazoo." Just as he finished his sentenced, the safe opened with a creek and Thing turned to give a little bow. 

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