Show, not tell ~

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Pairing: Bf!xavier x Gf!reader

Warnings: semi-nsfw, jealousy, slight possessive behaviour, cursing, xavier being protective, hickeys/markings, manhandling, mentions of size difference, non canon character named marlon flirting with you


What was it about Marlon Acheron that made it so easy for you to talk to him? Was it the fact he was more popular than Xavier? Or was it his piercing red eyes, shaded with the dark lenses of sunglasses that intrigued you? Maybe it was the hair that was slicked back with a glossy finish from his stupid cinnamon scented hair gel. Or maybe it was all those things combined.

But Xavier is your boyfriend. Not Marlon. He knew his place in your heart, so why was it that every time his eyes scanned the room to find you, Marlon just so happened to catch you first and steal you away from him? Did you always smile like that with everybody or was it just Marlon? Didn't matter. Xavier's pissed.

At first, you thought you encouraged him to push though practice and were beyond happy to see him progressing so well. Even his instructor agreed he's been on top of his practice and would soon topple Bianca for first place in rank. That was until you realized who his sparring partner was.

Marlon Acheron.

Marlon's your classmate, not necessarily friend nor foe, and certainly not a guy you could call up and spend a few hours with at the  Weathervane like any other of your friends. He was just there most of the time, in class and in the halls. But you did notice that he would give you some sort of special treatment.

Whether it was saying hi to you first when you entered the training room, striking up some hollow conversation just to stall you from going to see your boyfriend, or accidentally 'forgetting' something that he'd ask you to retrieve for him. It was always his glasses so you found it strange that he could forget something so important nearly every other day.

Being the sweetheart you are, you thought there was nothing wrong with how he was acting. Plus, you forget things all the time so it's not so different with him.

But Xavier is the complete opposite. He knows exactly what Marlon's intentions are, they're all so obvious to him.

"No one forgets their glasses like he does. Especially not a vampire" Xavier says when the two of you are alone after his fencing practice, "He asks you to get his shit every day. Can't he ask someone else, like why does it HAVE to be you?"

"I forget things too, Xavier. I'm sure he's just got better things to worry about like trying to actually get a chance to beat you when you two go at it. It's not like they're prescription anyways, he said his eye sight is fine"

Your boyfriend rolls his eyes and goes back to etching charcoal onto the canvas in front of him. Recently, he'd come to his secret shed with you so you both can have alone time and so that he can draw. He'd never tell you but another reason for these 'dates,' as he called them, were partially because of Marlon.

"He doesn't leave you alone, Y/n. It's like he's stuck to you like a stupid dog. It doesn't even make sense because he's a VAMPIRE" Xavier exhales sharply, blowing some excess black dust off his work space, "It's past the point where friends do that. Not even I did that before we got together, which is saying a lot because I was way more obsessed with you before"

You lean back on the extra stool next to his chair and give him a nonchalant shrug, "Yeah, you're right. But what's your deal with him? Why are you so mad whenever we talk to him or when you're sparring with him during fencing practice? It's like you're trying to kill him out there, you could at least give him a break"

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