Photos in my heart ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x gn!reader

Warnings: none


You were sitting with Yoko in the quad when all of a sudden she lowered her sunglasses down. You looked at her confused before she insisted that you look too.

"Someone's making a move on your territory and that someone is Barclay, Y/n" Yoko chuckled at her own words before waiting for your reaction. She figured you would stand your ground against Bianca.

But when you turned back to continue talking to her, Yoko's face dropped. She was at least expecting you to say something about it. "Oh come on, Y/n! You can't keep ignoring the poor boy!" 

Yoko sighed, pushing her glasses back up. She grabbed your hands, starting to gently rub your knuckles, you knew this trick. She wanted to make you feel safe before she ambushed you with her questions.

"What even happened between you guys? You and Xavier seemed so happy together"  you couldn't help but scoff. You guys were fine until you caught him lying to you.

"I figured Sinclair posted about it already but if you really wanna know... I caught him hanging around with Wednesday when he said he was gonna be in his art shed so..."

"Yikes! I mean... maybe it's not what you think... Enid did say that her and Wednesday were dating?"

You shrugged your shoulders, wanting to move on from the topic altogether. Yoko shook her head at your demeanour, knowing that you didn't wanna talk about it anymore.

"Just give him a chance to explain, Y/n! Look now's the perfect time he's going into the nightshade library!" Yoko stood up, grabbing your hand. Leading you towards the Allan Poe statue.

You whined, not wanting to talk to Xavier. Yoko snapped twice in front of the statue, waiting for it to finish moving before shoving you in.

"Just say that you're sorry for lying to them Xavier! And you apologize for avoiding him, Y/n!" she huffed before leaving you two in what she hoped would become peace.

You suddenly felt cold, goose bumps popped up on your skin as you walked down the spiral staircase. You could feel his eyes on you, watching your every move as you descended.

Your hands started to sweat like a pig, you wiped them on your blazer. You stood in front of him, silence enveloping the both of you.

He met your gaze, eyes accompanied by dark bags under them. Lips dry and chapped as if he hadn't drank water in days. You played with your hands, not knowing what to say to him.

"So are you just gonna stand there, knucklehead?" He licked his lips, almost smiling at the mere fact that you were nervous to talk first.  He chuckled realizing he would have to explain what he was doing with Wednesday first.

"I wasn't cheating on you by the way..." you bit your lip when he said that, still wondering why he lied to you about it in the first place. He shook his head continuing his speech.

"Wednesday was helping me plan out a date for us..." You raised your head up at a shocking pace when you heard what he said. Now you were really confused, why would he have to lie about something like that?

"Why'd you lie th-" he cut you off, stepping closer to you. You could feel his breath on your face. His breath smelt like spearmint, the scent being too strong on your nose.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, Y/n! The whole reason for the date was so i could give you this..." He pulled out a blue box from his pockets. Xavier grabbed your hand to place the small box in your palm.

You opened it to find a heart locket inside, the initials 'X.T.' were carved into the front of it. "Open it" You did as he said only to find a picture of the both of you.

"I got it made for our anniversary, Y/n... it's been a year since we started dating"

You gently lifted the necklace up, your eyes started watering. You couldn't believe it, all this time that you were mad at him it was for nothing. He just wanted to make you feel loved. Your tears went past your waterline, rolling down your cold cheeks.

"Oh baby, I didn't mean to make you cry, forgive me please?" he asked, using his sleeve to wipe your tears away. A sob racked through your whole body.

"No I forgive you Xav, I'm just so sorry for misjudging you" you hiccupped as he made a move to kiss your forehead.

"It's okay baby, it doesn't matter now"  he grabbed the necklace from you, muttering a 'may I' for you to turn around so he could put the necklace on you.

"There we go bub, you look amazing with it" he smiled, pecking your lips with a wide grin. Happy that you forgave him for his mistake.

"I seriously love you so much Xav, I'm so sorry" you repeated to him again, he chuckled shushing you with his pointer finger to your lips.

"Maybe I do deserve a reward for being such a loving boyfriend" he pointed at his cheek, the smile that you loved so much on him being present on his face.

"Maybe you do" you answered, pulling his tie to meet his lips instead. He grasped for the sides of your face before reciprocating the kiss.

He groaned into the kiss, seeking permission to deepen the kiss between the both of you, you happily gave into his request. Wrapping your arms around his neck to make the height difference fair.

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