Here for you ~

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Pairing: bsf!xavier thorpe x afab!reader

Warnings: mild smut, fingering, probably cliche and cringy


It was a normal occurrence for you to sit in xavier's room while he sketched away. It was late at night and the two of you always sat together, just in silence doing your own things.

What wasn't normal though, the heat that appeared between your legs every time you dared to even look at your best friend.

You didn't know why, maybe you were just so severely touched starved that any attractive person you looked at made you feel that weird feeling. And it just so happened to be xavier.

Or maybe you're just realizing how attractive his hands are, his fingers wrapped around his pen sticking out the most to you. You hadn't noticed when you started rubbing your thighs together, focused on Xavier while you subtly looked over your book at him.

You peek down at your legs and halt your movements in embarrassment and your eyes go back to Xavier just to see him already looking at you with a smirk.

He stands up, "What are you doing?" his voice is sincere but his cocky face gives away that he knows exactly what you were doing. He makes his way to his bed, leaning over you. You don't answer him, you just look away.

He tsks, grabbing your chin with his hand, the same one you'd been caught staring at only moments before. He lets his other hand travel to your legs, finding purchase on your thighs and caressing them.

"Answer me" he chuckles when you shy away.


"Didn't look like nothing to me?" his fingers slowly start to pull the band of your pyjama shorts down. When his eyes fall on your lace panties he smirks. "Did you plan this?"

Your hands grab his shirt and you hide your head in his chest. Xavier 'aw's at you in fake sympathy. He moves your underwear to the side and his fingers dip down to your pussy, sliding through your folds to collect some of your wetness.

You whine into his shirt, "Too cute" he speaks to himself, slowly inserting a finger into you. He curls it upwards, eyes trained on you for a bad reaction. All you did was curl your upper body into him further, your hips pushing into his hand.

He gets the message, entering another finger before pumping them in and out of you. He groaned, feeling you quivering around his fingers. His free hand found it's way in your hair, lightly tugging to get you to look up at him.

Your eyes were doe-like and watery, and your lips were in a pout. He swore you never looked cuter. His thumb began rubbing your clit and the little hiccup you let out made his pants feel just a little tighter.

He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, muttering something about how pretty you were before leaning in to connect your lips. His fingers were picking up their speed, your hand coming down to hold his wrist while you tried to focus on the kiss.

You felt a knot building in your stomach causing you to whimper into his mouth. The closer you felt the more you clung to Xavier, the hand on his wrist landing on his thigh, nails digging into the pant-covered skin.

You sigh into his mouth as you come undone, body relaxing against his. He pulls away to look at you, your eyes shut and your hole still spasming around his still fingers.

His thumb runs along your cheek and he smiles at you fondly. "Tell me next time, I'll help you baby"

his muse ; reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now