Higher than the clouds ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: SMUT, fingering, piv, use of marijuana, high sex, characters are of age


you found comfort in walking out to the woods, clearing your heads and smoking to your hearts content. tyler knew a guy, who knew a guy, that you got your bud from during trips to jericho.

the two of you would always sit and talk and laugh for hours on end, comfortable around each other. only leaving for snacks or to go and watch a movie in his single room. you figured, you were already sneaking around smoking weed on campus, you might as well push it a little farther and sneak into the boys dorm.

so that's how the two of you ended up, giggling in the woods, poking each other and running back to the dorms until you were out of breath.

his room was comforting to you. the smell of him taking inhabitance there, paintings he's made littering the walls. you stood admiring them in a trance, thinking about what he was wearing as he made them. what was going through his head? what inspired them? did you ever inspire his paintings?

"psst," you heard from behind you. "psst, y/n."

you turned around, xavier with red, glassy eyes, and a lopsided grin on his face standing behind you.

"yeah?" you whispered in response, already forgetting that last thought in your head.

"what are you thinking about?" he whispered back.

you paused, thought hard for a second, and just started at him.

"what?" you replied, lowly.

he burst into a fit of laughter, lightly smacking your arm.

"why are you whispering?" he asked.

you laughed at him.

"you started it!" you jeered, jabbing at him.

looking up at him, you noticed the pretty features of his face. he stared back at you through curious, watery eyes. you two were nearly touching. and it's not like you've never been this close, you're always together, always near each other. you wondered what it would be like to touch the plush of his lips. pink and slightly chapped, waiting to be kissed, you thought.

the room was far too quiet and something different developed in the way he looked at you. it's not like you'd never thought about it. kissing him, touching him. he was attractive, your type honestly. nothing the two of you did was weird or awkward. it was just the two of you.

so when you reached for his face and told him to kiss you, you had no doubt in your mind.

kissing xavier was a breath of fresh air. regardless of the fact that he smelled heavily of weed, it was light, airy, sweet almost. he kissed you in a way you knew was reserved for only you, like he wouldn't dare kiss anyone else like this. his lips were softer than they looked, closing over yours repeatedly.

he hummed a little bit, his hand snaking up the back of your neck and settling at the roots of your hair. you felt him smile, and honest to god it gave you butterflies.

your head was still foggy and you kissed nearly in slow motion. there was a glaze of insobriety coating your senses, yet you were hyperaware of the way he touched you so tenderly.

he pulled away, very slightly so you could still feel his lips against yours as he spoke.

"we're kissing." he said softly.

"yes, we are." you answered, a little unsure if that was the right response.

"i've wanted to kiss you, you know."

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