Necklace ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: none


After seeing him, you didn't want to look at anything else.

Enid was giving you and Wednesday a quick tour of the school after your arrival. She showed you the library, the dining area, where to go to class and, lastly, the quad — which was a pentagon, as your sister had flatly pointed out. Enid had not been amused by Wednesday's humor and chose to ignore her and continuing her tour, insisted on giving you a wikia on Nevermore's social seats.

As the blonde was expanding about the clics and Bianca Barclay, your eyes fell on the tall boy on the other side of the quad and they wouldn't leave him. The world around you turned into a white noise, a mere echo, as you gave your whole attention to the stranger. You were completely entranced by him. His hair was tied back as he effortlessly painted a raven on a school wall.

''—used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe,'' Enid explained, and, as if on cue, the boy — Xavier — looked over his shoulder, finally giving you a good picture of his face.

A sharp jawline sliding into a pointed chin, Cheshire cat green eyes and the beautiful and full pink lips. You felt like throwing up as the words crossed your mind, but he had the face of an angel.

He raised his hand over the painting, making you very confused. Until now, you didn't know Nevermore's outcasts had powers. The artwork followed his hand movement, the wings of the raven coming to life and sending your heart in a twirl, in complete awe at everything this boy was.

At that moment, you wondered if that's how your parents felt when they first saw each other. The tight feeling in the chest and the inability to look away. You wanted to cross the quad and compliment Xavier on his artwork and talent or simply introduce yourself — get any kind of interaction with him —, but another boy pulled you out of your bubble. This one had a whole den of snakes hidden underneath his beanie.

Before coming to Nevermore, you had never batted a lash at any boys, but for some reason Wednesday couldn't fathom or indulge, you had a special interest for Xavier.

''What do you find in him?'' she asked from her bed, reading her copy of Frankenstein. She had read it so many times that the spine was cracked and duck-taped.

A smile curled on your face, your mind drifting to Xavier.

Although he was very handsome, your attraction didn't stop there. It was more than his look. It was the way he carried himself, his posture and effortlessly elegant demeanor, the way he spoke about things he was passionate about, the shy dimpled smile he always reserved for you, the way he gave you his undivided attention when he's talking to someone, the subtle acts of romanticism like that one time he got you that specific shade of rose that's really hard to find and expensive just because it was your favorite.

''I'm afraid the list would exceed the level of disgust you can handle in one day, dear sister,'' you replied.

''Do test me. I might enjoy myself.''

You loved him in a way you couldn't explain. He made you see life in colors, painting a golden light over your natural darkness.

The hour was late as you wandered to the boys' dormitory, ducking into alcoves and being as quiet as the dead on your way to Xavier's dorm. He didn't know you were coming, but Thing had seen him returning from his nightly run through Wednesday's window so you knew he was there.

You did your special knock and when the door opened, Xavier grabbed your shoulder and pulled you inside, quickly closing behind you. You couldn't be on the boys' floors. The rules were very strict concerning the dormitories and the consequences would be severe if caught.

''What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the night celebrating your birthday with Wednesday.'' Xavier reached for your hand, pulling you close to him. His hair was released from its usual hair-tie and damp from the shower he must've had after his run.

''It appears she has blown me off,'' you explained with a tinge of bitterness. ''Only Thing was in her dorm when I let myself in and refused to tell me where she had gone. My suspicions are, she is raising dark forces and does not want mom and dad to know of her hellish doings.''

Xavier frowned. ''Hellish doings?''

''Séances. We have an altar in our living room at home.''

You spoke so casually of dark magic that Xavier didn't wish to know what else you and your parents did in your free time. It might be a little too spooky and kooky for him.

''I have something for you.'' You pulled out a black velvet pouch from your jacket pocket. ''Open it.''

Xavier took the pouch with a veil of confusion on his face. ''You got me a gift on your birthday?''

''Open it, mon amour,'' you pressed, equally excited and terrified to see his reaction.

Delicately, Xavier untied the loose knot and pulled the pouch open. He reached inside and took out a silver necklace. It wasn't delicate and dainty like a woman's. The chain was thicker and the pendant was in the shape of a wax stamp with your initial on it.

''I found the pendant in a shop in town. I was looking for a present for Wednesday and it caught my eye through one of the glass shelves among other trinkets.''

He observed the jewelry closely, then smiled at it. ''Like Y/N?''

''Not because I own you,'' you felt the need to add, ''but because I'm the only one who really knows you.''

Xavier's smile deepened, soft dimples poking. The smile he kept just for you. He unclasped the back of the necklace and you grabbed it from him, putting it on for him. A smile bloomed on your lips, seeing the pendant resting over his shirt as a mark of your love.

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