Artists in love ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader

Warnings: none


"I really appreciate that you express yourself and your feelings with drawing, but I do not think that the most appropriate time and place is during class" Principal Weems explained carefully to you, smiling as always.

A few teachers caught you drawing during their lesson, instead of listening to the topic of the day, and let's just say that they weren't really happy about it, so they complained to the principal. The firsts times Weems didn't say anything, on the other hand nobody ever complained about you, so she thought it was something that  would pass in a week or so, but after too many complains, and your grades dangerously lowering, she had to step in and resolve this situation.

"Is there something that is bothering you? You know you can always talk to the therapist in Jericho, right?" She asked worried, she knew too well that telekinesis can mess with a person's head.

"Oh no, there's no need to talk with her. It's just that I can't really focus in my dorm. My new roommate invites her friends every time she's in the room, I tried to talk to her, but she didn't even answer me. I had been venting my feelings by drawing since I was able to hold a pencil, and it's really difficult to me doing it without focusing, or with all that giggling and gossiping" You answered sincerely and Principal Weems nodded pursing her lips, already thinking about a solution for your problem, fortunately the situation was easier than she thought.

After some minutes, she came up with an idea.

"Okay, I might have a solution, but you have to promise me that you'll stop drawing during class and pay attention to the lesson" You shook your head immediately, you weren't happy with your grades either.

"There's a student that cleaned a shed in the forest not too long ago, I gave him permission to transform it in his art studio. I don't see why you can't share it, I checked the place personally to see if it was okay for someone to stay in it, and I can assure you that it 's large enough to fit two people." Her smile got even wider when she saw your reaction, you couldn't believe you could finally have an entire space for yourself to draw, well, yourself and the other student.

Weems told you which path you had to follow to go to the shed, and since you already finished all of your lessons for the day, you decided to check the place.

After about 10 or 15 minutes in the forest you finally reached the shed. You could hear some music playing inside the place, so you deducted that the other student was already in there.

You knocked slightly on the door, but even after some minutes you got no answer, so you knocked again, but harder this time. You heard the music stop before the door opened, revealing a tall figure with shoulder length hair tied up in a bun, his hand were covered in green and yellow paint.

"You are?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows, as long as he knew nobody, out of his closest friends, the principal and the teachers, knew about this place.

"Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Principal Weems said I could use this shed too. If it's not a problem for you obviously"

"Umh, yeah. Sure, no problem" He said, not too convinced. He moved from the door to let you enter and you closed the door behind you. The walls of the shed were covered in drawings and paintings, it was very cool and relaxing in a sort of way.

"Do you need anything?" He asked using an old cloth to try to clean his hands from the paint he was using.

"No, just a desk and a chair, I already have everything I need" You smiled, He didn't hesitate to remove all of his stuff from one of the table to make room for you.

"My name's Xavier by the way" He told you, realising he didn't introduced himself.

After that, no words were exchanged between the two of you for that day, you were too absorbed by your art, finally having a space to relax and draw without distractions, Xavier was too occupied thinking about that he had to share his space with someone else. It didn't bother him too much, but that meant removing all his stuff from the walls, or all around the place. On the other hand he wanted to know more about you, nobody in the school ever showed interest in art, so he was curious.

The next day, you arrived before him, so you sat near a tree and waited for him.

When Xavier arrived and noticed you, he quickly apologised, saying that he had a spare key in his dorm and would take it to you the next day. Once entered you sat at the desk and Xavier stated to take the brushes he needed.

"Also... I'm sorry about the mess, but I didn't think I would ever have to share this space. I'll make room for your stuff as soon as I can"

"Don't worry about it, I like it. I find it comfortable" You smiled, before putting your headphones and starting to sketch on your sketchbook with your pencil.

Xavier was taken aback by your comment. Of course people told him that his art was beautiful, but no one ever told him it was comfortable, people found his art sad, almost disturbing in a way, and that's why people started to call him the tortured artist.

Months passed since you two started to share the shed, your relationship grew and you two became really close friends. Xavier found someone who finally understood his art, and you found someone who understood yours.

Even though your styles were quite the opposite, you always helped each others. Both of you tried to get out of your comfort zones and experiment the others style. You taught him how to draw perfectly realistic people, bodies, animals, as you were more projected to the realistic movement. He taught you to get out of schemes, and draw with your point of view and your emotions. He even taught you how to paint, and that was exactly what you were doing at the moment.

"No, I refuse to continue. It's turning out so ugly" You laughed at your own painting, you were still new to it, and even though you knew perfectly how to draw, it was still difficult for you. Xavier looked up from his sketchbook, and took a look at your painting.

"Well, kind of" He joked turning back to his drawing. You gasped looking at him, you took some of the purple paint you were currently using and smashed it on the right side of his face.

"You know, purple really suits you" You teased him holding back your laugh, and when you saw Xavier reaching for the paint, you stopped him laughing and apologising, before this could turn out in a paint war. The idea of it was really fun, but the thought that you had to clean everything after wasn't as fun.

"Now I demand to be cleaned up by you" You nodded in agreement, amused by his behaviour.

You took a clean cloth and wetted it with some water, then you placed yourself between his legs, as he was sit on a stool, and started to rub gently the cloth on his face. While you were cleaning his face, he just lovingly stared at you.

"What are you looking at?"

"You're very beautiful. I don't think I've ever said it to you, but you really are" He completely ignored your question, and his statement made something inside you. You smiled at him, silently thanking him.

The comfortable silent remained till you cleaned all his face. Once you finished you laid the cloth on the table beside him and turned back to him, not leaving your spot between his legs.

Xavier tucked some strands of hair behind your ears, then his hands travelled down your body until they reached your waist and stopped there, you positioned your hands on his arms.

"I want to ask you something" He started, and you nodded as to say to continue.

"Would you like to go to the Rave'N with me?" He asked, and he felt like a weight lifted from his heart when he saw your smile and the glimmer in your eyes.

"Of course. I would love to go to the Rave'N with you" You said sincerely, it was all you wished since you heard about the ball and you really hoped this moment could really happen, and it finally happened.

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