Loverboy ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: none


~the first time~

It's been a couple of months since you had gotten completely comfortable with everyone at Nevermore. You'd say that going to school with  a bunch of sirens, wolfs, gorgons and the many highlights.

Ajax decided to host a game night in his dorm. especially since it was nearing the end of the semester. Xavier and Enid wanted to be co-hosts with her and helped set up.

"Is it weird that i'm kinda nervous?"

"Xavier, nervous for game night?" Enid stopped putting the chips into a bowl to look at the boy. To be honest, he wasn't sure why he was nervous. It's not like he's meeting everyone for the first time again or having to do the first table reading.

"Enid, you know he can't be around Y/n without almost passing out" Ajax smirked while Enid let out a small chuckle.

"Oh yeah! I forgot how smitten you are with her"

Xavier felt the heat reaching his cheeks but before he could respond back, there was a knock on the door. Wordlessly the boy opened the door and seen the very person they were talking about.

"We brought the drinks!" you said with a smile as you, Yoko and Wednesday walked in. Ajax and Enid share a knowing look before focusing on the task at hand.

"Welcome to game night! You guys are a little early. Do you mind helping set up?" Ajax looked at the three of you.

"Of course not, what do you need us to do?" Yoko asked. This sent an imaginary floating lightbulb over Enid's head.

"How about we pair up, yeah? Yoko, you could helped Ajax with the decorations. Wednesday, you could help me with the snacks and drinks. Y/n and Xavier can work on the playlist!"

With that being said, everyone was off to their task. Xavier was freaking out because how was he supposed to be this close to you without freezing or doing something dumb?

You took him out of his thoughts by wrapping your arms around his waist in greeting. Xavier immediately wraps his arms around your shoulders. He liked this. Having you in his arms.

"So what music are we thinking?" you look up at him with a small smile, still being in his embrace.

In just a couple of months of knowing you and hangout with you, you've managed to catch his heart. That small yet adorable smile made his stomach flutter.

Oh man was he absolutely gone for you.

~the second time~

The last day of your time at Nevermore was overwhelming for everyone. Spending time with people you've grown to love and then having to leave was hard. Xavier wasn't ready to go home. He wasn't ready to leave you. He wasn't ready to leave anyone really but you, he couldn't even stomach the thought of not seeing you until god knows when.

"Ugh I don't even know why I'm crying right now. I know we're going to see each other in the near future but I don't want to leave" you looked around the group with tears in your eyes.

Yoko and Kent pull you into a group hug while you quietly sobbed. "It's okay Y/n! We're going to see each other again" Yoko softly kissed your forehead.

"Yeah, don't think of it as a goodbye but as a see you later" Kent squeezed you one last time before being the first to let go.

"I guess you're right"

You made your rounds hugging everyone and somehow crying even more. You finally made your way to Xavier who was standing off to the side by himself.

"You know, I'm really gonna miss you Xav"

Xavier turned around see you standing before him. Even with your red puffy eyes and quivering lip, he still thought you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He closes the distance between you guys and tightly embraced you. You don't waste a second and wrapped your arms around him too.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much Y/n. You don't even understand" you nestle into his chest letting out more stray tears. The both of you ended up swaying back and forth still wrapped around each other.

"Promise me you won't forget me?" you joked pulling away a little to look up at him. Xavier chuckled and shakes his head.

"Never. How could I ever forget you?" he brings a hand to caress your cheek wiping away some of the tears.

"You think they're ever going to confess to one another?" Ajax whispered to Enid who was also witnessing this moment between you guys.

"I hope they do it soon. Preferably before we have to lock them in a room together"

You and Xavier finally let go of each other however still close enough to bump arms while walking.

"Come on lovebirds! We're going out to eat" Ajax yelled out to you guys. Instantly, Xavier felt that same type of warmth growing on his cheeks.

"C'mon Xavier, last one there is a rotten egg?"

"You are totally on" with that you both sprinted to the where the others were waiting. Obviously Xavier gets there before you because of his long legs.

"Ha, I win!"

"No fair Xav. You have freakishly long legs" you pouted at him with your arms crossed.

"Guess you gotta get longer legs sweetheart" Xavier laughs and kisses your head.

You intertwine your hand with his pulling him with you. "Yeah whatever. I'm still salty but also very hungry"

He's never gonna get over this feeling.

~the third time~

Xavier was pacing back and forth in his dorm. There was only 10 minutes left before everyone had to leave the reunion ball. But all he could think about is you. You've been plaguing his mind since day one. Each small yet meaningful moment alone with you was something he'd never take for granted.

You were gonna be the death of him and you didn't even know it.

"Xavier you're going to walk a hole into the floor if you keep pacing like that" Ajax had been sitting with the frantic boy since he called him.

"It's been almost a year and I still can't get her out of my mind. There isn't a minute where I don't think about her beautiful smile or the sweet smell of her vanilla perfume"

"I think you should tell her" Ajax stops to look down at his phone. "We have a couple minutes left"

That's all it took before Xavier rushes out of the room. He doesn't look back either, eyes set on getting to Ophelia Hall. When he makes it to your door which was just down the hallway, he knocks desperately.

"Xavier! Hi, what's up?" you opened the door with that smile he loves so much. He takes one second to look at you dressed in a black gown that had a rhinestone top and a tulle like bottom.

"Xav? Are you okay?"

Xavier doesn't think while leaning down and gently grabbing your face to pull you into a kiss. You were shocked but quickly began to kiss him back. The kiss is rough however soft and desperate. He let every single feeling he felt for you pour into that kiss.

When you finally pulled away to get air, the only thing that was heard was the heavy breathing. Keeping his hand on your cheek, he bent his head down to rest against your forehead.

"What I'm trying to say is I love you"

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