A for effort pt. 2 ~

749 17 1

Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: mentions of weed


I groaned in frustration as I paced my room. In the past hour I'd turned the dorm upside down trying to find my notebook. It wasn't in my bookshelf, it wasn't in my nightstand, and it wasn't in my bathroom drawer. When I decided to double check my satchel again, to my shock I did find a notebook! Only it wasn't mine. Opening the cover I saw the initials: X.T. "You stopped bitching! Does that mean you found it?" Yoko shouted from her closet. "No. But I have Xavier's sketchbook instead." That sure got her attention. Slamming the doors shut she rushed over and took it out of my hands, flipping through the pages. "I must've grabbed it by mistake when I er- Stormed off?" A slight smirk tugged at her lips as she stopped on a page. "This would be the perfect time for me to tell you to 'forget about him' again. But-" Stopping mid sentence she flipped his book around to show me a drawing.

A drawing of me.

Intrigued, I felt an unwanted feeling of happiness. Taking the book from her hand I studied it carefully. The portrait was overly detailed but so dead on. From the slight curve of my nose to the one uneven hair in my eyebrow, he'd drawn small details of me that I hadn't even recognized about myself. A bit of charcoal coated my finger when I ran it over the page, smudging it slightly. Yoko took the book back and continued flipping before I could finish examining it. "Holy shit. He has so many.." "Really?" The slight excitement in my voice caught me off guard. I refrained myself from looking through with her. That would just be more pain in inflicting on myself. Even if he did have some work of me, I bet that there was quadruple that of Wednesday.

When Yoko finished looking through them she turned back and handed me the book. "So when are you going to give it back to him?" Laughing, I stuffed the book back into my satchel. "Are you kidding? There's no way I'll give it to him in person. What am I supposed to say? 'Hey Vi. After practicality confessing my undying love and affection for you and you throwing me under the bus like everyone else in my life, I took your sketchbook by mistake.' No! He'll think I did it on purpose or something just so I could make this more about myself or some shit!" She went back to drinking her tomato juice, shaking her head. "Then how the hell are you going to give it back to him?" My gaze focused on the clock above our door, the time being 4:00. "I'll find a way. Maybe give it to Kent or some shit? It's something I'll deal with later. I don't have time for this." Before my roommate had the chance to ask where I was going, I grabbed my bag and slammed the door trying to avoid anymore unwanted questions.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"4:20. On the dot." Ajax turned to face me from a tree deep in the forest with a smirk. "I would've been here earlier if it Weren't for yoko." Slumping down beside him, he handed me a newly rolled blunt. "Why? What'd she do now? Spill another bottle of her juice on you? That'd explain the poor clothing choices today." He laughed as i elbowed him. "No. She was going through Xavier's sketchbook and found drawings of me so I looked through some and got a bit caught up." We fell into silence before I took a long hit. "Have you talked to him? Or Wednesday? You are family so It'd be better to-" I cut him off as I placed my index finger to his lips. "Can we not talk about this right now? I didn't come out this deep into the forest to talk about my relationship drama."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I did in fact start talking to Ajax about my relationship drama. Only because I was high off my ass. One minute we talked about Weems and her new office couch, then it escalated to us talking about our failed attempts at thornhill's class, lastly it ended with me sobbing to him about Xavier. "I mean seriously Jax, what does he see in her? I've known her my entire life and she doesn't have anything I don't! Other than not having a heart but still. Every time she shows up I'm just replaced. First at home and now here. It's not fair and it never will be." My head rested on his shoulder as rain began to pour on us. "Are you-" "Yes. I'm sorry- If I could stop it, I would. This same shit happened when I left the other day. I wanna forget about him Y'know? Maybe he only ever started befriending me cause he knew she would come because of one of his dreams or some shit?" Rambling only seemed to make the rain worse but Ajax didn't seem to care. He nodded and listened to every word I said, occasionally giving his input.

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