Hypothetically ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: none


"This'll be the last one, I swear"

"You said that last time and the time before that, and the time before that and oh! The time before that too!" Xavier said as he took his sketchpad off of your lap, bringing to life the charcoal chipmunk you've been staring at; Watching in amusement as the creature immediately looked to you curiously before scampering over to run up your arm where it took refuge on your shoulder.

Complain as much as he wanted but Xavier enjoyed the fact that you adored his ability in bringing his sketches to life, always asking him to bring them to life almost daily that he would ramp up his act in being 'annoyed.' When in reality he'd bring all of his sketches to life-yes even his first ever sketches- if it meant to be the constant reason you smiled. It was all worth it in the end.

"You think your slick in sounding over it all or annoyed whenever I ask this of you but your actions tend to contradict your tone of voice" You said as you tickled the stomach of the crosshatch shaded fennec fox, smiling when it howled silently with laughter on your lap; Using it's little paws in attempt to swat your fingers away from it.

"It's almost like you like me Xavier" You added teasingly as you finally gave the fox a break to turn your attention to the chipmunk munching in your ear; Watching as it devoured the nut in its tiny hands as though it was starved. This thankfully gave the boy across from you the cover to feel flustered at how fast you catch on.

Sure he wasn't trying to hide his blatant attraction but to be called out on it -playful or not- didn't do much in quelling the heat blooming within him. "So what if I did?" Your eyes darted to him and Xavier added hastily, "Hypothetically that is. What would be your responses... hypothetically"

You hummed in thought for a while. You knew this wasn't a case of hypotheticals, this was Xavier merely testing the waters on where he stood with you and vice versa before attempting to pull anything that would in any other situation, had you not felt the same, ruin your relationship. "Since this is purely hypothetical" you started, eyeing Xavier in amusement as he attempted to act nonchalant as he shifted on your bed.

It was like watching a puppy dog being told to wait before devouring their dinner, "Then my response would be that I like you too and that we should go out on a date to the lake tomorrow if your free"

Xavier's eyes glinted brightly at your answer and a smile started to creep up on his lips but they soon faded upon your next words, reminding him that this didn't constitute as an official confession as he'd liked it to be. "However seeing as this is all hypothetical and not factual, then it shouldn't mean anything to you" You shrugged, leaning back against the headboard, taking enjoyment in seeing him internally berate himself for that little slip up.

You went to look back at the chipmunk on your shoulder when you heard Xavier mumbled something under his breath before lunging forward, grasping your chin in his hand so he could have you face him as he leant in; before more could happen Xavier rested his head against your forehead, eyes honed in your yours as his warm breath brushed over your skin.

"Just so we're clear, none of what either of us said was hypothetical... right?" He asked and you chuckled, leaning your forehead further against his as your noses brushed together, "Not even in the slightest" You responded. "Good, just checking before I do this" Xavier replied as he leant in the rest of the way to kiss you.

The kiss was soft as it was sweet that it made your mind go blank with all the potential future kisses you'll share after this one as you throw your hands to clasp the back of his neck and shoulder respectively. Smiling through it all like a goof at your dream finally coming true.

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