Mistaken ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: none


As you made your way into the quad with Wednesday and Enid, you mentally prepared yourself for the bickering Xavier was gonna put you through because of the most recent exam. Xavier had a tendency to get into long conversations with you about exams because he always insisted he got better marks. You both spotted each other from across the quad at the same moment, and you sighed as you saw a smirk form across his face.

You set your bag down at a table, and he set his paintbrush down on the ground as you both approached each other ultimately, meeting each other in the middle of the quad, and you waited for his question.

"You already know what I'm gonna ask you, but I'm still gonna ask it. What was your grade for the exam?" he questioned with a smirk.

"If you must know, I got a 99% on it. I assume you got a lower mark?" you said trying to not sound annoyed and keeping a tame smile on your face.

You noticed Xavier's eyes dart around before he could answer your question, his eyes landing on a random spot. His expression turned into a soft smile as he leaned down to put your hair behind your ear.

"Don't act hostile for about 2 minutes, 'sweetcheeks" Ms. Thornhill is coming to check up on us" he whispered as you tried to keep your disgust for the new nickname low.

"Hi, just checking up on you two! Wouldn't want to see any arguments before the dance, right? How is everything?" Ms. Thornhill said with a preppy smile that was so fake you wanted to scoff.

"Dreadful. We were just speaking about how I got a better mark on an exam than he did" you spoke with little care for how it sounded.

"Don't speak so rudely, sweetheart" she said almost as a warning.

Annoyed at what she said, you stopped looking up at Xavier and instead focused your attention on her. Xavier was now feeling spontaneous, wrapped a lanky arm around your waist, and pulled you tighter toward him.

This time you couldn't hide your disgust and pulled yourself away with a warning directed toward him as you cursed under your breath loud enough for them both to hear. Xavier never acted upon any attempts like this to agitate you, so you didn't have much time to think.

"Don't use such language, Ms. L/n" Ms. Thornhill said as you scoffed.

"Yeah L/n, don't be such a prick" Xavier commented with a smirk returning to his face.

"Oh, I don't wanna hear jack from you, Xavier, so shut it" you said, feeling agitated.

"I supposed with that attitude between you and Xavier, perhaps you can work it out during detention!" Thornhill exclaimed, looking shocked at your behavior.

Both you and Xavier groaned, watching Ms. Thornhill pull out two detention slips and fill them in quickly. You glared at Xavier while swiftly pulling the detention slip from Thornhill's hands and walking away to tell Wednesday and Enid what happened.

As lunch rolls around, you roll your eyes at the thought of spending lunch alone with him. The bell rings, thankfully, interrupting your thoughts as you stride away from Enid and Wednesday to head toward your shared prison cell with Xavier, the detention room.

As you turn right towards the class, you smash into a lanky body you know well enough. You groan for the tenth time that day, not at the impact, but for the smirk, you know you're going to be met with.

"Don't say anything. I've dealt with enough from you today" you said in all seriousness but were met by a muffled laugh from the boy.

You ignored him, strode into detention, and placed the slip onto the professor's desk, although no teacher was present. Xavier was following close behind you, like a dog, and positioned his detention slip right on top of yours.

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