It's you ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: fluff, pda


You and Xavier were best friends for quite a long time now. you knew each other from kindergarten times, kind of lost each other in between, and met again at Nevermore Academy. You both immediately clicked again and quickly worked over the time you were apart. You both were inseparable. Everything you did, you did together. And if Xavier was going through tough times, you did as well. You were just like ying and yang.

He could bring his paintings to life, you were a shapeshifter. You were the only one at this school, except Principal Weems. That, and your close relationship to Xavier, made you one of the most interesting personas at the Academy. Everyone had special abilities, but yours is a really heavy one to carry.

But you never used your ability to trick people seriously. Only to pull a prank on your friends or to just get a little bit of peace when it's hectic around you.

But enough of your ability.

A few weeks after Xavier broke up with Bianca, he started to act... different. He was rather distant towards you. He did spend his time with you like always, but he was quiet and let you do all the talking. You already spoke up about it but Xavier just shrugged it off and said it's nothing, he just didn't feel good. You suggested a visit at the school nurse but he turned that down as well. After asking about Bianca he didn't seem really bothered by the topic, so you guessed it was something else.

Outreach day came and you were all getting your tasks over an envelope. You were happy to spend the day at the coffee shop Weathervane and soon learned that Xavier was going to work there as well. Jumping happily, Xavier just gave you a rather sad smile which made you stop. You decided to bring it up again in a rather quiet minute and when no one else was around.

And that moment was coming right after you both finished your really busy shift at The Weathervane. It was dark outside and the both of you were pushing your bikes towards the Academy when you decided to break the silence.

"Xavier, can I ask you something?" you said and looked at him, waiting for a reaction.

Xavier nodded and hummed before looking at you.

"What is up with you these last weeks? You got so quiet and look so absent the whole time. And don't tell me you just don't feel well. If that's really the deal you would've been at the nurses office already, I know you"

Xavier looked forward but stopped walking. He held onto his bike and sighed. "You know, after I broke up with Bianca I realized I liked someone else the whole time. And I don't know how to approach that person and be honest"

To be honest? Hearing that kind of hurt. Your chest was clenching and your heart rate picked up. To be honest with yourself, you liked Xavier. Ever since you met again you felt that you were longing for more than just friendship. And now he liked someone else? It was hard for you, but you did all your best to keep your cool.

"Is it a she or a he? You know, I can help you with either but it's going to be difficult if it's a he, I don't know what guys really enjoy when getting confessed to"

Xavier looked at you and smiled slightly. "Thank you for being understanding but it's a she. I know her really well but i still can't bring myself to be honest"

You hummed and nodded, trying to think of a good way for Xavier to confess his feelings, without feeling hurt yourself. But that couldn't be done. You would be hurt either way. "Maybe try to make a romantic atmosphere around the both of you. With fairy lights or candles. Or both. If she's into that. And if not, just catch her in a moment when you both are alone, privacy you know. And when the mood is right just blurt it out. She can either say yes, I like you too or no, I don't like you that way. Either way you're going to learn out of that situation and take it as a lesson to go on with your life"

Xavier listened to you and nodded. "You're right. Waiting any longer won't benefit me. Or her"

You nodded as well and kept walking, but stopped as Xavier wasn't following you. "Are you coming?" Seriously, what was wrong with him being so drowned in his own thoughts like that. You walked back to him and stopped right in front of him.


Xavier looked up at you and it seemed like he had trouble breathing.

"I like you. I always liked you. I'm sorry for not seeing it earlier. I'm so dumb for not seeing it. But it was always you that I wanted. Who I wanted to be so close to. Who I always wanted to touch, to show everyone you're mine"

You blinked. Why would he practice his speech now all of the sudden??

"Uhm... I mean... maybe cut out the touching part? But besides that it was good" you nodded "I bet she'll like that. And you're someone who nobody could say no to" you said and smiled at him. "Come on, let's g—"

"No, Y/n. It's you"

"What do you mean...?"

"It's you who I was talking about the whole time! You're making me crazy! I couldn't be around you because my head wouldn't stop thinking about you! I hate it when the other guys drool over you! I... I just want everyone to know that you're mine and that no one else can touch you or look at you the way all of them do! I can't hide it anymore but I just like you so much. And I always did. But I was blind. And dumb to put all of my problems regarding my love life on you. It should've been us the whole time" Xavier caught his breath and looked away, scared of your reaction. Was he doing too much? Did he go too far? Every possible thought was crossing his mind and they were getting louder as you said literally nothing, just standing there, holding onto your bike for your dear life.

"...Xavier, I... I don't know what to say"

"It's okay. I figured you wouldn't feel the same"

"When did I say I don't?"

Xavier looked back at you. he felt dizzy at the way he didn't know what to say, where to look, what to think.

"Xavier, I like you too"

"Are... are you for real?"

You had to chuckle and nodded.

"I am. I would love your hands all over me so everybody knows who I belong to. I would love you calling me by whatever endearing name you can think of. And I would love to kiss you right here and right now"

Xavier didn't need to hear it twice. He let his bike fall to the ground and cupped your face in his warm hands. He took a glance at your beautiful sparkling eyes. He came closer and your noses were almost touching. But your lips did first. His soft lips on yours felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together. You both closed your eyes and your kisses drowned into the dark but beautiful night.

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