Something about you ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader

Warnings: reader is shorter than xavier. other than that, none!


Something's wrong. Xavier has never gone this long without speaking to you. To be fair, it was only the second class of the day, and the two of you had texted the night before, but he usually sent a good morning text and walked you to your first two periods, as those were the only classes you didn't share. It was the first time since your little tradition started, and you hadn't realized how much you relied on his presence in the morning. You checked your phone for the thousandth time, hoping he had texted you, and you somehow didn't see it.

Time ticked by slowly, and you couldn't control your leg as it bounced up and down. When your teacher dismissed you, you flew to your third period, anxiously awaiting the tall boy who sat next to you. Your worry grew when Xavier was a no show. You didn't see him at lunch. Normally, you sat with xavier, who liked to be alone, if he wasn't with you. Today, you sat with Enid, Yoko, Bianca, and her siren crew.

"Hey, guys" you smiled as you sat down. Everyone politely greeted you, and Enid scooched over so you'd have a bit more elbow room. "Have any of you seen Xavier?" you asked, looking around the table.

"He's your best friend" Bianca pointed out. "Shouldn't you be the one to know that?" you squirmed a little at her words, worry bubbling in your stomach.

"He hasn't texted me all day, and he wasn't in class either" you confessed. "I haven't had time to check his dorm since it's on the other side of campus"

Enid squeezed your hand, and gave you a comforting smile. "I'm sure he's fine. Maybe he's just not feeling well" you nodded, and tried to focus on your lunch. In botany, Thornhill scolded you multiple times for not paying attention and being on your phone in class. You were texting Xavier, asking if he was okay and if you did anything wrong. No response.

The second that you were dismissed from your last class, you took off running to xavier's dorm. you pushed past many people, subjecting yourself to dirty looks and shouted curses behind your back. reaching his room, you banged on the door loudly. No answer. You hesitantly twisted the doorknob, and to your surprise, it was unlocked. "That's not safe at all, Xav" you muttered to yourself as you let yourself in. The room was empty, with half of the room being devoid of any sign that someone was there. That was rowan's die, before he left. xavier's bed was cold, as if he hadn't been there all day. That left just one option: he was in his shed. He had to be.

You left your best friend's dorm in a rush, slamming the door behind you. You winced at the noise, and gave an awkward smile to two werewolves who shot you nasty glares. As you walked into the woods, you prayed that xavier wasn't mad at you, and your mind raced as you recalled the conversations you'd had over the past few days, trying to remember if you had somehow upset him and not realized it. After about ten minutes of walking, you came upon xavier's shed. You'd only been in it a few times, as you respected his space. You saw the lights through the windows on the door. you knocked on the door.

Xavier opened the door, and your heart leaped. you hadn't seen him all day, and you missed him so much. "Hey" you smiled softly. you knew something was wrong. his eyes didn't have his usual shine, and he looked so exhausted. He smiled back at you, but it didn't reach his eyes. Xavier opened the door wider and wordlessly let you in. With one glance around the shed, you knew he'd been in here all day. Crumpled balls of paper were strewn around the floor, his paintbrushes scattered around the table, along with half finished paintings leaning against the walls. Xavier's face and hands were flecked with paint, and he just looked so melancholy. Xavier had closed the shed door and come to stand beside you as you took in the messy state of the shed. You heard the soft voices of the neighbourhood playing through his phone's speakers. you gathered him up in a tight hug, which he returned, to your delight. The minute that his arms wrapped around you, you let out a small sigh and pulled him closer to you.

"You okay?" he asks, his voice raspy from not using it all day.

You huffed in amusement, finally letting go and looking into his eyes. "You're asking me if I'm okay?" Xav shrugged, the ghost of a real smile lingering on his lips. "Xav, what's going on? you've been MIA all day. Did I do something to upset you, or...?"

H shook his head, taking a seat in his chair. "no, Y/n, it's not you. It's just... the nightmares started again. Last night, it was so bad I just– " he cut himself off and you hugged him again, slotting yourself in between his legs and pulling him close to you. "I took today off because I wasn't sure if I could keep this one in. Sorry for not texting you, I turned my phone off for most of the day. Turned it back on like twenty minutes ago because I couldn't stand the silence anymore"

"Wanna tell me what it was about?" you asked softly. "If not, that's okay, but it's better to not keep things bottled up inside of you" he pulled himself out of your clutch, then pulled you onto his lap, burying his face in your neck. You told yourself that he was just seeking comfort from his best friend, but you couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach and the way your hands became a little shaky.

"It was the monster again" he began. "I keep seeing it, and it's always the same dream. the monster gets one person. He tears them apart, and there's nothing I can do to save them. I keep seeing the light fade from their eyes right in front of me, and every time, I wake up nearly screaming" he lets out a shaky breath.

"Who is the person you're dreaming about?" you ask.

There's a few moments of silence before he whispers the word "You" Your heart nearly breaks in two for him. You knew how much he loved you, probably about the same that you loved him. You couldn't imagine having these horrible, recurring dreams about xavier.

"I'm so sorry" you said. "Want me to help you try and get your mind off of it?" he nods, and you jump up, immediately missing the feeling of his hands on your waist. Xavier returned to his place in front of a canvas that was turned away from you. You grabbed an easel propped up in a corner and a blank canvas. Xavier pushed some paint and paintbrushes towards you. You leaned over to grab his phone and turn the music up all the way. A Chase Atlantic song was playing. Xavier seemed to be in another world, eyebrows knit tightly as he used deliberate strokes of his brush. Every now and then, he'd look up at you in concentration and go back to his painting. You wondered what he was drawing.

You, on the other hand, were more focused on the music being played. You had a few strokes on your canvas of what kind of looked like a mountain range landscape. As the music switched, the song 'something about you' by eyedress came on. "I love this song!" you cheered. Xavier looked up and grinned at you.

You began to theatrically sing along to the song, using your paintbrush as a microphone, and dancing along to the music. "She looks just like a dream" you sang. "The prettiest girl i've ever seen"

Xavier laughed at your dancing, and you beamed, happy to see him happy again. "I love you" he said, then looked startled at what just came out of his mouth.

"I love you too, Xav" you said, slightly out of breath from singing and dancing. You moved to return to your mountain range, but his voice stopped you.

"No, I-I love you" he paused, looking nervous. your heart leaped in your chest as you dared to hope that meant what you wanted it to. you could feel it begin to beat faster as xavier put his brush down and moved to stand in front of you. "No one's ever cared about me this much to check in on me and stay until I feel better. You mean so much to me and I love every second I spend with you. I'm sorry if this ruins everything we have, but... " his voices drops to almost a whisper, and he reaches up to cup your face in his hands. "I love you"

Instead of answering, you stand on your toes to press your lips to his, and he kisses you back immediately. Your mouths moved in sync as your hands weave into his hair, and he pulls you impossibly closer to him. after what felt like a million years, you pulled away, trying to catch your breath. "You should've done that a long time ago" you said, and Xavier rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Whatever" he said, kissing you again. "So, can we be more than best friends?"

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. "Thought you'd never ask"

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