Drawing blanks ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: bullying (not romanticising it in any way)


"How do you like it here so far?" Enid grins, picking at her lunch.

"It's nice, kind of intimidating."

"I'm sure! It must suck switching schools mid-year. It'll get easier though."

"I hope!" You laugh, looking around the quad. Your eyes meet a boys. You make eye contact before looking away. "Who's that?" You subtly nod towards him. Enid glances over.

"Xavier Thorpe. Really cute! He was dating Bianca, that Siren that gave you a death stare in first period, but they broke up about two weeks ago." She explains.

You look up again only to be met with his eyes for a second time.

"Is he staring at me? Or am I crazy?" You whisper.

"Hmm... He's definitely staring. Have you met him before?" She whispers back.

"Definitely not. I'd remember seeing him before."

"Then, maybe he's just curious. It's not often we get new students..." She trails off. "Maybe you can read his mind and figure it out!"

"No!" You reply, "I can't. I mean I could... I don't like to use my gift unless it's for a good reason. Maybe a party trick but other than that I don't like to use it. I wouldn't want people reading my mind without me knowing."

Enid shakes her head, "I get it. I mean I wouldn't go all wolf on someone without a reason."


You walked around the school alone, taking in the beautiful architecture of Nevermore. It was certainly unique. Passing a statue, your eyes did a double take... Poe?

You observed it before noticing the writing on the book. A riddle... A riddle you had to solve. You loved riddles because you had to work for them. Without the. self control you have now, in the past you've used your Telepathy irresponsibly, and heard horrible things. But riddles, you couldn't get the answers to everything to easily.










'What's the worst that can happen?' You thought.

Snap. Snap.

The statue starts moving, unveiling a staircase. You did a double take. Was this a commonly known thing, or did you just uncover a secret?

You travelled downwards quietly. As you descended, you heard voices coming from the bottom. You stopped midway on the stairs as to not be seen.

"You lied to me! You told me you didn't know her."

"I don't! I don't know her, Bianca!"

"She's here, Xavier!"

"She came to me, in visions. I didn't know (Y/N) was real. I thought she was just, some sort of apparition. Nothing more than a figment of my imagination. I was curious about her, but I didn't know she was real. Why am I even explaining this to you? You dumped me the second you saw that first drawing. It's better this way."

Xavier and Bianca were fighting... over you? You met Bianca once, and had never even spoken to Xavier. And what did Xavier mean by 'drawing'?

"You know what.. This doesn't matter. I don't care. Go run off with her." Bianca's voice was seething with anger. You heard harsh footsteps and realized, you were sitting at the entrance... Before you could leave, you see—

"Well isn't this interesting? Xavier, your little girlfriend is here."

You opened your mouth to defend yourself but nothing came out. Xavier came around the corner and looked at you, sitting on the stairs, no doubt hearing everything they had just said.

Bianca ascended the stairs, pushing you into the wall. You winced.

"Hey! You don't have to be mean to her!" Xavier called out, but she ignored him and left. "You okay? How did you get down here?"

"Saw the riddle, solved it. Here I am," You shrugged, with an apologetic smile while rubbing your now-sore arm, "I'm (Y/N) by the way... Wait, you already knew that. I'm so confused..."

"I- Well, I draw things... And I get, dreams?" He explains poorly, "I kept seeing you in my dreams. Then, I started drawing you. Bianca and I were dating but she saw my drawings and dumped me."

"I-I'm so sorry... Did I.. do something to cause this?"

"No! No, you didn't. It's not really something I can control. Besides, Bianca and I had a lot of toxic issues before you. It's better we're not together."

"In that case, congratulations!" You joked to lighten the mood and he smiled. "I've never heard of your gift before. Would it be okay if I saw some of your drawings?"

His eyes lit up in the dark room, "You want to see my drawings?"

"Of course, if it's okay. I'll show you my gift too. A fair trade." You say, playfully.

He nods, "I'd like that. We can meet up after classes tomorrow? I've kinda got this little art studio, I'll take you there."

"Okay! Sounds great." You smile and your heart leapt.



"Yes?" You roommate turned around as you shouted her name.

"Xavier and I have a date! Well, I think it might be a date? And I know why he and Bianca broke up.."

"Oh my gosh, tell me everything!" She jumped on her bed, and you sat down next to her.

"Well, they broke up because I started visiting Xavier in his dreams... Then he started drawing me. Bianca got jealous and dumped him. But tomorrow after school we're going to his art studio. He's going to show me his sketches and I'll show him my gift!"

Enid look so happy, grinning from ear to ear. She squealed in excitement and told her how she couldn't wait to hear all the details tomorrow.


"Ready?" Xavier holds arm out jokingly and you take ahold.

"Ready!" You smile. He leads you to his studio, opening the door for you. He pulls out a giant sketchbook.

"This one, filled with you." He hands it to you, with a smirk on his face.

You blush at his words, opening up the sketchbook. But your heart sinks as you flip through the pages.

"Is... is this a joke?"

His breath hitches, "What do you mean? Do you not like them?"

You tear up, thinking this is some big prank.

The reason you left your old Normie school is for one reason: bullying. Once you told your parents that you had Telepathy (about two years after figuring it out yourself), they immediately transferred you to Nevermore. The kids at your old school always pranked you. Guys asking you out as a bet, girls pretending to be your friend, just to use your vulnerability against you...

You thought Nevermore would be different but here is a cute guy, saying you are literally the girl of his dreams, so enraptured he had to draw you, yet he hands you an blank sketchbook.

You shoved the sketchbook towards him.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?"

"You-" You were trying so hard not to let him see you cry. "You say you want me to see your art studio. You lead me into the woods. Now what? Drench me in paint? Lock me in here overnight? I should've never came to this school!" You storm out the door, leaving Xavier by himself. Off to your room to talk to no one. At this point, you didn't even trust Enid...

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