The little spoon ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: none



Your boyfriend's voice is hoarse as it rasps through your phone speaker. It sounds whiny and needy, and you stop and sit on a bench in the quad, farther away from your group of friends.

"Xav, baby? Where are you? You missed class" Your own voice is hushed trying to keep away from keen eavesdroppers looking to start a rumours. "Are you okay?"

"N-no. I'm not. I don't feel good"

"What's wrong, bub?" You ask, starting to stand to make your way over to his dormitory.

"'M sick. I'm all stuffy and my throat kills" He explains, his head pounding as he lays it back against his pillow.

"My poor baby. I'm going to get some supplies and I'll come take care of you, alright?" You murmur, your voice soft and soothing.

Just hearing your voice makes Xavier start to feel better. He closes his eyes and rubs at his red nose with his sleeve.

"But you have class-" He whimpers, and you click your tongue at him, almost tsking him.

"I'm coming to take care of you. I'll have Ajax collect the homework for us" Your voice is firm, and he doesn't have the energy to fight you any further. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Try to get some rest and I'll be there when you wake up"

After getting off the phone, you quickly explain the situation to your friends and then you sneak onto the bus into Jericho. You play on your phone as you wait until the bus arrives at the stop. You walk into the grocery store, ignoring the stares from normies as you carry your basket through the aisles. Picking out some chicken soup from the aisle of cans, you move towards the tea. You grab a box and drop it into the basket. Then you look for some cold medicine.

You gather the rest of the items that you needed and then move to the front to pay. You ignore how visibly uncomfortable the normie teenager behind the counter is while checking you out, only being given one word answers, if any at all - and head back to the bus stop. The bus pulls away from the stop just as you arrive and you curse, huffing as you start to walk through the mud down the road towards campus.

Xavier wakes up to shuffling outside his door, and a loud thump. Groaning at the heaviness in his head, he opens his door and you fall onto the floor, having been leaning on the door while taking off your muddy boots.

"Shit, I'm sorry" Xavier stammers, reaching down to help you up. You continue pulling at the boot while he takes in your muddy pants and the sheen of sweat on your skin. "Are you okay? Why are you covered in mud?"

"I had to walk from Jericho back to campus" You explain, grunting and grinning in satisfaction as you manage get your boot off your foot. "Finally!"

"Jericho? Why were you in Jericho?"

You hold up the bag of groceries and smile softly up at your lanky, sickly boyfriend. He runs a hand through his hair, finding it more oily than usual from not showering. You walk in further and close the door, reaching for his hand.

"How you feeling, bubba?" You ask, squeezing his hand gently and leading him back towards the bed.

"Like I want you to take an axe to my head" He grins a little, his voice gravely and deep from his sore throat. He climbs back onto his mattress and starts to cough.

"Well, I could always call Wednesday. I'm sure she'd take great enjoyment in that" You tease him, before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Stop; I don't want you to get sick" Xavier whimpers, his eyes soft as they look up at you.

"I hate to break it to you, but if you're sick I probably will be too. Considering you literally had your tongue down my throat yesterday" You giggle and bring the bag to the end of the bed, rustling filling the room as you open it and rifle through the contents. After a few moments, you crack open a water bottle, and hand Xavier a capsule of cold medicine. You help him sit up so he can swallow it. You urge him to take a couple more sips. "There you go. Don't want to get dehydrated, now do we? You're gonna feel so much better soon, baby"

"Promise?" His voice is weak as he lays back again and you smile reassuringly.

Reaching into his dresser, you pull out a shirt and some boxers, changing out of your muddy clothes quickly. He watches you, enjoying the view but in no mood for anything but comfort.

"I promise, Xav. Now move over" You request, reaching down and stroking his cheek gently.


"Move over, let me cuddle you" You climb into his bed then, forcing him to slide over so you can both fit. "I can make you some soup later, if you're hungry"

"Mmm. I love you, sweetheart" His voice is so soft against your neck, his breath skimming across your chest.

"I love you too, Xavier" You kiss his forehead and smooth back his hair. "D' you wanna be the little spoon? I'll hold you while you sleep"

"'M never the little spoon" His words slur with sleepiness and a grin twitches at the corner of your lips.

You sit back for a moment, helping him gently roll over onto his side facing the wall, despite his protests.

"Boy, you're in no condition to fight me right now. Relax" You pepper his jaw with light kisses and he sighs.

Wrapping your arms around him and tugging him back against you, Xavier is surprised by how comfortable and nurtured he's feeling. He groans softly and you hum empathetically.

"You're gonna be okay. I'm not going anywhere" Your words soothe him, and he lulls closer and closer to sleep.

His response is so quiet you almost miss it.


You bring the blanket over the both of you, pushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead before tucking your face into his neck and sighing happily.

"I promise"

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