The archer ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: SMUT profanity, innuendo, sexual situations, fingering, possessive behaviour, p in v sex, fucking without protection (wrap it before you tap it, kids)


After Bianca, Xavier had no plans of dating for a long time. He wanted to remain single and enjoy his life without someone breathing down his neck.

Then, you waltzed in and ruined everything for him.

You, with your stupid jokes, your rambling. Not to mention that pretty face, that stupid hair, those eyes...

He gives into acknowledging it pretty quickly. He has a fat crush on you and it's not going away anytime soon.

Soon, he's in his studio, painting you everyday, willing his art to come to life and say the words you never do.

I want you, Xavier. I need you, Xavier. I love you, Xavier.

He feels like an idiot, the way he stares at you whenever you enter a room, the way he hates when you smile at people who aren't him. You sit beside Wednesday in your herbology class. Usually, you sit beside Xavier, but he is late and so, Wednesday grabs the seat.

He glares at the Addams girl from the corner of his eye when, during a short break, you throw your head back and laugh loudly at something she has said.

He knows she can't possibly be that funny. You're only supposed to laugh like that at his jokes. The way he only laughs at yours.

You've gotten away without having an extracurricular activity for most of the year, but now, Principal Weems insists you need to pick one.

Apparently using your telekinesis to make people think they're tripping over thin air is not a school-sanctioned extracurricular activity. Who would've known?

And so, you pick archery.

Maybe you can be like Robin Hood, you figure. Or Hawkeye. Or Katniss. Or Legolas. Or Merida.

You rattle off the names of all the archers you can think of as you follow Xavier to where the targets are.

He shakes his head at you, "It's more difficult than you realize, Y/n"

"Can't be if you're good at it" you tease him.

He rolls his eyes, shooting his bow and arrow, hitting the target near the centre, but slightly off.

You snicker, "Nice shot, Kate Bishop"

"Let's see you do better" he says, handing you a bow, "C'mon, big mouth"

"I do not have a big mouth. It's perfectly average sized and it just says things you don't like to hear" you snap, grabbing an arrow and snatching the bow from his hand, "What, so I just pull back and shoot, right?"

He gestures toward the target, "It's all yours"

It takes you a minute but you finally pull the string back and let the arrow loose. And it completely misses.

You refuse to look at Xavier and see his stupid smug face. You grab another arrow and shoot again.

"Another miss" he says dryly, "Want some help?"

"No" you glare at him, "I don't need help! I need you to shut up and stop distracting me!"

He moves to stand next to you when you're not paying attention, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "I'm distracting you, huh?"

You shriek, shooting the arrow at the ground, narrowly missing poor Eugene's feet; he takes off running and screaming, "Shit! Sorry, Eugene!"

Xavier chuckles to himself, moving to stand behind you, "Okay, sweetheart, let the expert show you how it's done"

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