Hurt ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: mention of gore, b!ood, and violence. wednesday hurting reader. PTSD. xavier being the best bf and doctor on Earth


"Why are you doing this to me, Wednesday?" I almost screamed. Blood was coming out of every orifice in my body.

She had punched me in the head with a hammer, dragged me into the Nightshade library; where Xavier used to bring me, and tied me up to a chair.

"This isn't personal, dear Y/n. I know what you are and you need to tell me who is your master" She whispered so tonally and coldly.

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" I screamed now, she had brought out two tasers from her jacket, and tortured me over and over again.

"The Nightshades will make you pay, Wednesday. You can't do whatever you wish in here!" I yelled now, the pain surrounding my body and my mind.

I heard two snaps, indicating that a fellow Nightshade member would soon be coming in. A small yet reassuring smile appeared on my face, bringing me some type of comfort.

I saw Wednesday panic as she approached me. "You say a word and I will carve your eyes out" She threatened.

I saw her go up the stairs to block whoever was trying to come in.

I heard a quiet yet stern voice of a boy talking to her.


They were mumbling and he rose his voice, trying to get pass her.

"Help! Xavier!" I yelled, Wednesday saw me. That's when I saw him. He was faster to come down then her as he took my face in his hands.

"What have you done to her, you psychopath!" He yelled. He untied me from my chair and pulled me into his arms.

Wednesday froze. She didn't know that Xavier and I were together. At this point, I was full on sobbing into his chest, but he kept his embrace just as tight around me.

"Wednesday, you should go" She just stood there, watching us, watching me. I was completely and utterly afraid of her. She terrified me and Xavier knew that. He could feel the way my whole body shook, the heavy tears wetting his shirt, my needy embrace around his chest.

He didn't let go.

We both watched her walk up the stairs with all her torturing tools. I felt safe when I heard the statue shut the door.

Tears flooded out of my eyes once more. Sobs racked through my body as if a drill was going through my heart. No words came out of my mouth. No words came out of his. He simply held me. He checked my body for any major injuries which was mostly my head.

"I'm gonna bring you to my room, okay? You'll be safe there." He softly kissed my forehead, trying not to hurt me.

"I'm not sure I can walk, Xav" I whispered, which was the only voice left in my body after all that screaming.

"That's okay, princess. Hang on tight, we'll be there in a minute" He loosened his grip on my upper body only to pass one of my arms over his shoulder, taking my legs on his arms and carrying me out of that place.

"My head hurts" I whispered as I passed out in his embrace.

[Xavier's POV]

She passed out in my arms.

I looked at her for a minute, making sure she was still breathing. I know I should be taking her to the infirmary but it was too dangerous. Wednesday could do something again and I cannot risk that. Not for me, and especially not for Y/n.

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