Distracted ~

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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader

Warnings: it's literally just fluff, use of baby?


You could feel his eyes on you every now and then, alternating between his homework that he held up with his hand and you who's sitting across from him. You didn't bother to look up, putting all your focus on the essay you had to write as homework.

The library was quiet, only the sound of you and Xavier's pen scribbling on paper and the occasional sniffing. You and Xavier would always go to the library to finish up the homework you two have for the day. It was your routine even before you and him started dating.

Unfortunately, Xavier isn't the most responsible student. He would often goof around, trying to distract you and would do anything but his homework.

Today was no different.

"And... done!" You sighed, dropping your pen onto the table and leaning back against the chair. You let your eyes relax for a moment before peeking to see Xavier still focused on his homework. "Are you almost done?"

He bit his bottom lip, ignoring your question, too wrapped up in his work to answer you.

"Maybe we can swap our essays and spot if there's any mistakes?"  You asked, pursing your lips as you wait for Xaviers response.

He hummed absentmindedly, his eyes never leaving his notebook. You smiled, admiring your boyfriends pretty features when he concentrates. You were proud to see that he was actually putting in effort on his work.

Xavier finally stopped writing, placing his pencil down and picking up his notebook and admired it before giving himself a content nod.

You bounce eagerly, "Can I read yours?"

His eyes finally met yours, a hint of mischievousness behind those eyes. He smirked, clearing his throat as he sat up straight and swapped notebooks with you.

You were practically gleaming with excitement, excited to read his essay and actually feel like you have a real study partner to learn and point out mistakes with.

Until your eyes landed on his notebook.

Your smile has never dropped so fast. Your shoulders dropping, and you couldn't contain the gasp that left your mouth.

A snicker came from the man you were about to murder.

"Xavier Thorpe I swear to fucking god—"

"—I love you, baby please—"

"—All this time I thought you were writing the essay—"

"—You're so pretty I couldn't help it—"

"—And you were drawing instead?!"

You stared at him incredulously, your nose flaring at him due to how pissed off you were. He was enjoying this, his cocky smile still plastered on his face as he laughed at your reaction.

"I'm sorry, baby. In my defence, I did try to write the essay. I just got distracted..." Xavier said, his hands holding yours as his thumbs rubbed your hands softly.

You blinked at him, sighing as you look down at his notebook to see at the top right hand corner he did wrote a few words before giving up.

"As much as I want to scream at you right now, this drawing is beautiful," you sighed with a small smile, studying his artwork.

It was a drawing of you reading your textbook, you nose scrunched and your hair a mess. He managed to enhance your best features, capturing every little detail about you. He was truly talented.

"Thank you. Please don't be mad, i'll start on the essay right now," he said softly, ensuring you aren't upset with him.

You playfully rolled your eyes at him, sighing loudly. "You better do it or no cuddles for you tonight."

You ignored his protests as you get up from your seat to find a book to keep you company. Safe to say Xavier was diligently doing his work with a determined face, and within thirty minutes he was done and started begging you for a hug and a kiss.

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