Chapter 1 - Cheon Minhea

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Seoul was a beautiful place, but now it's controlled by the dead and humans have to do their best to survive or at least what's left of them

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Seoul was a beautiful place, but now it's controlled by the dead and humans have to do their best to survive or at least what's left of them.

I was with my friends when it all started. Seeing each and every one of them die, hurt me. But I got over it becuase now, I have to run...

"you can't keep running forever Minhea" I heared him yell as I ran faster through the endless fields, trying to hide and get away from the person who tryed to hurt me.

"come on, run Minhea" I muttered to myself as I felt my body slow down from the lack of oxygen that wasn't entering my lungs from the amount I had to run.

I hid behind a bunch of bushes and watched as my enemy run past my hiding spot, giving me the opportunity to run in the other direction and finally be free.

Or not...

A bag was thrown over my head and my weapons snatched out of my hands as I tryed to fight for freedom.

"stop fighting, we just have some questions" I heared a male voice say before i blacked out.

I opened my eyes and looked around the small room I was in, I tyred to move as panic and fear flooded my brain, but I couldn't as I was tied up to a chair.

I tryed to untie the rope somehow until I heared someone open the door to the tiny room.

"who are you" a small, blonde haired male asked, walking into the room with 7 other, I must say attractive men.

"who are you" I replyed, trying to set myslef free from the ropes as for he slowly tilted his head, giving me a smirk as he made his way closer to me.

"I asked you first" he said softly, bringing his face so close to mine i could feel his cold breath hit my lips.

I stayed silent, turning my head away from his, hearing a sigh escape his lips as he spoke again.

"suit yourself, I'm Kim Hongjoong". I lifted my head to look at him, seeing a warm smile laced on his face. "and you are".

I was hesitant to tell him who I was, but looking at how he smiled at me and how he didnt sound threating, I decided on telling them about my indentity.

"my names Cheon Minhea" I said and the blond male nodded, looking at one of his tall, brown haired friends and pointing at me.

The tall male slowly walked over to me, causing my heart rate to massively increase. I watched him carefully as he made his way behind me and cut the rope.

"it's a pleasure to meet you Cheon Minhea, I'm Jeong Yunho" he said as he picked up the rope and bowed, walking back to where he stood before.

"we don't want to hurt you Minhea, your going to stay in here until we gain your trust" hongjoong said causing my eyes to widden.

"you can't, let me go" I yelled as I got up of the chair and made my way up to the blond haired male. "I don't know what this is, or what your doing, so let me go" I said angrly to which he just giggled.

"you'll get your weapons back when we gain your trust" he said, walking towards the exit with his 7 other friends.

Panic washed over me and I felt my chest tighten as I couldn't breath, silent sobs could be heared around the room as I muttered something to hongjoong. "wait, please".

He turned around, looking down at me as my eyes stayed pinned to the cold, stone floor. "please, don't leave me in this room" I pleaded as my body trembled and tears fell on to the floor.

"san stay with her, she's your problem" hongjoong said and I looked up to see an oreo haired man hovering over me with an eye patch covering his left eye.

"get up and sleep, ill wake you up when food will be ready" he said pointing to a bed which was on the left side of the room, before he left and locked me in, all alone... Once again.

I couldn't sleep as everytime I closed my eyes dark flashbacks would invade my dreams. I stayed in bed, looking up at the ceiling until I heared the door crack open, causing me to sit up and look in the direction of the door.

"get up Minnie, food is ready" the man I remember as san said as he was about to leave the room.

"my names Minhea" I said coldly, getting out of bed and walking over to him with a tierd expression on my face.

I walked behind him, following the tall male out of the building and to the fields were the 7 other boys were already seated, preparing the food.

"hello Minhea, i hope you slept well" hongjoong said as he placed a plate and cup in front of me. I looked at him with confusion as he just looked up at me with a smile.

"why are you doing this" I asked as a tall black haired boy walked up to me, placing a big slice of meat on my plate.

"becuase your alone and we want to help you" hongjoong answered, pouring me and himself a cup of water. "we want you to join us, but we have to gain your trust first" he added, taking a big bite of the meat.

"what if I don't want to join you" I said, keeping my eyes glued on who I believe is the leader.

"then you'll be running for the rest of your life, alone with no where to go" a handsome, black haired male with a banda said, causing me to look at him next.

"san will keep an eye on you until we trust you, your weapons will aslo be taken away until we trust you and ill give you a better room as I can tell that dark places arnt your thing" hongjoong said pointing at my place. "eat up before it gets cold".


I was sitting alone in my new room, which was smaller then the over one but it was more cosy and brighter, which caused me less panic.

I was looking out the small window when I heared a knock on the door and someone entering the small room. I looked behind me to see two males, one with dirty blond hair and the banda guy.

"I was sent here by san, he said you have a bad cut on your right hand" the blond boy spoke, gesturing for me to sit on my bed to which I complied.

"I forgot my first aid kit, wooyoung can you get it for me" the male spoke and wooyoung left the room, leaving me alone with the blonde.

"I'm yeosang, is that what you wanted to know or something else, becuase you can't seem to stop staring at me" he said as he looked up at me, leeining back in his chair and stretching his arms.

"how did you find this place" I asked and he looked at my cut, lightly touching the area with his finger.

"we found this place when we were running from Namwon, what about you" he asked, looking at me with interest as he waited for me to speak.

"I got here when I was running away from a horrd of zombies in Jinju" I lied not wanting to explain myself to him if I told him I was running away from people.

I saw that yeosang was going to say something, but wooyoung came back, handing yeosang the first aid kit and taking a seat beside him.

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