Chapter 8 - The Trip

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"I hope you all don't have a hangover becuase a long journey awaits us" the captain spoke, looking at all our tierd faces

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"I hope you all don't have a hangover becuase a long journey awaits us" the captain spoke, looking at all our tierd faces.

"me, wooyoung, mingi and Minhea already packed all the supplies for the trip" he added and all the boys nodded. Hongjoong carried on talking about Changwon as I felt sans eyes glued on me.

"we have only two cars, I already picked in what car you guys will be in" hongjoong mentioned and I rolled my eyes, feeling like if this was a school road trip.

"Yunho, your driving and seonghwa your also driving" the captain comanded as yunho and seonghwa made their ways to the cars.

"so with yunho I'll have, Jongho, yeosang and wooyoung" the blonde spoke and the said boys walked over to yunhos car. "this means that with seonghwa it's, mingi, me, san and Minhea".

I looked over at mingi with a smile as we walked over to seonghwa happily. "all ready to go" hongjoong asked and we all nodded, getting inside the cars.

"Is this a school trip or a zombie apocalypse" mingi whispered and I giggled, taking a seat next to him.


I was looking out the open window, enjoying the cool breeze hit my skin, until I felt someones eyes dig right through my soul, I turned my head around and saw sans eyes pinned on me.

I was going to say something but mingi spoke first and san quickly fixed his gaze to the window. "this is exciting, our first trip with Minhea" mingi said with joy and I giggled, playfully punching his shoulder.

"it's nothing special, it's just like any other road trip" san commented and I rolled my eyes, looking back out the window.

"I'm going to radio yunho, I want to have a look around the gas station for any fuel" the captain mentioned and seonghwa nodded.

Seonghwa parked the car and yunho pulled up behind us as we all excited the cars. I took my axe out the trunk and scanned the area of the gas station for any zombies and yeosang went to have a look inside the small building.

"clear" I said as I walked back over to the boys who were standing next to the cars. "a couple of zombies where inside but I cleared it out" yeosang said as he left the building.

"all of you are free to look around and rest, seonghwa come with me to look for fuel" hongjoong authorised and we all nodded and I watched as a tierd seonghwa followed his captain inside the building.

I was leeing on one of the cars, polishing my axe until san walked up to me and lowered my weapon so that I could pay attention to him not my axe.

"what is it san" I said, looking up at his eye, seeing a bit of worrie in it. "can we talk, in private" he asked and I nodded, placing my axe in my belt and walking of with him, away from the others.

"I wanted to apologise for yesterday, I wasn't thinking straight" he said and I nodded, looking down at the ground.

"it's okay, you were drunk" I replyed, wanting to leave but san placed a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from leaving.

"I really am sorry Minnie" he muttered and I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "and I said that it's okay, your apologie isn't going to change anything anyway, you'll still hate me" I snapped, pushing his hand of my shoulder and walking away.

"where were you, we're all ready to leave" mingi asked me as I threw my axe in the trunk and replyed coldly, "I went to pee".

I was about to enter the car until I saw san walking up to wooyoung and asking him if they could swap their places.

"you didn't go pee, didn't you" mingi muttered over to me as he watched san get inside the other car. "no, I didn't" I replyed, taking my seat and slamming the car door.



"open your eyes" I heard someone yell as my head got slammed to a wall, leaving Crimson blood to drip down like rain drops on a window.

"please just stop" I screamed as I got pushed to the cold ground, touching my forehead and flinching at the sudden wave of pain.

"don't worrie precoiuse, our sunshine will fix you up when I'm done" the shadow spoke as it grabbed my hair and smashed my head on the floor multiple times, untill there was nothing but a pool of blood, colouring the cold, stone floor.

End dream:

I screamed as my eyes flew open, feeling a pair of strong arms wrap round me and pull me into their chest.

"another bad dream that you don't want to talk about" I heard seonghwa ask as I snuggled myself into mingi's chest, feeling him tighten the grip around me.

"yeah" I muttered and hongjoong sighed, looking at me and mingi in the reaview mirror. "are you sure you don't want to tell us about them, they've been happing recently now" the captain said softly and I ignored him, as I fell back asleep in mingi's arms.


"Minhea wake up, we're here" mingi whispered as he lightly shook my body. I opened my eyes and looked out the window, seeing all the big buildings and stars shimmering in the night sky.

"I'll radio yunho to let him know we're stopping here" hongjoong mentioned and seonghwa parked the car outside an old factory.

we all excited the car and looked inside the building for any zombies.

"we're gonna set up camp here, yeosang and I will take care of the cars, we'll swap at some point so that me and yeosang could get some rest" the captain said and the boys nodded, entering the building to set up camp, until I spoke.

"I can take care of the cars all night, I won't be able to sleep anyway". Hongjoong and yeosang looked at each other then back at me with wide eyes.

"are you sure" yeosang asked and I nodded, taking my axe out the trunk with a small smile. "ill stay with her" san said, walking up to me and standing besides me.

"alright then, be safe you two" hongjoong said as he entered the building with the others.

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