Chapter 31 - Yangsan

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:

"we have to get out of Busan" hongjoong yelled as yunho helped me enter the car. "Minhea isn't fit enough to leave, we have to go back to camp" yeosang commented as he sat down beside me.

"yeosang it's okay, let's go to Yangsan" I said weakly and hongjoong nodded, yelling his orders to the others.

Hours passed and night fell as we made it to the outscirts of Yangsan, deciding to rest in a little store we found.

"let's look for something to eat and rest, Jongho and I will take look out for tonight" the captain commanded and yunho placed down my sleeping bag before yeosang helped me sit and check my freshly opened wound.

"luckly it's not to bad, just needs stitching up again" he said, looking into his med kit for the needed items to stich up my injery.

"is it okay if I sit" san asked as soon as yeosang left and I nodded, patting the free spot next to me on my sleeping bag. "you scared me, I couldn't find you anywhere" he whispered and I turned to look at him with confusion.

"your scared of loud noises, I was scared becuase I thought you were alone, luckly seonghwa was with you" he said and I turned to look at the brunette who was talking to hongjoong with a bright smile.

"I wonder what bangchan meant when he said he'll wait until someone brings me to him" I muttered keeping my head low, feeling sans intense stare pierce through my soul.

"no matter what he meant, I won't let anyone take you" san said softly, placing his hand under my chin and lightly turning my head to look at him.

I moved away from his touch, looking around to see if any of the boys saw us and luckly none of them were paying attention.

"I'm guessing that the kiss didn't mean much" san commented and I quickly turned to him and grabbed his hands, watching his eye travel down to our interlocked hands. "it meant a lot to me" I muttered with a small smile, seeing his glossy eye slowly travel up to look at me.

We staired deeply into each others eyes, getting mesmerised by his beauty until san cupped my cheek and kissed me. The kiss was slow but passionate, full of love and affection. It made me realise how deeply in love I was.


Seonghwa's pov:

"I was scared, I thought I would lose you out there" hongjoong said as he picked up some ramen of the shelf and put it in his bag.

"I don't think I'm ready to ever lose my best friend" he added, looking up at me and I looked down at him with sadness in my eyes.

"hongjoong one day the day will come" I muttered, looking away from him and back at all the food. "don't say that" he snapped angrly, walking of and i followed him, grabbing his wrist and turning him around to look at me.

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