Chapter 24 - Save Her Life

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Seonghwas pov:

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Seonghwas pov:

"don't yell at yeosang next time, let him do his job" I snapped at san, watching him hug his knees and silently cry in a corner of the small room.

"san, look at me" I said as I kneeled down in front of him, seeing his watery eyes looking into my dull ones. "she'll be okay" I added with a crack in my voice.

"what if she's not, what if yeosang deosnt save her" he yelled and my eyes widdened as I flinched at his harsh words. "what are we going to do" he muttered covering his face with his hands.

I carefully placed my hands on his, moving his hands away from his face so that he could see my small reassuring smile.

"she wouldn't leave us so soon, let's wait patiently" I said in a soft voice, placing a hand on his knee and lightly squeezing it before standing up to go sit beside him.

Sans pov:

Hours flew by and my hopes slowly started to fade. I was worried that yeosang would enter the tiny room I was in any minute and tell me the bad news. 'she didn't make it'.

Me and seonghwa stood up quickly as soon as we saw yeosang step inside the room. I looked at his hands which were covered in her blood, I didn't even realise that tears were falling down my face until yeosang hugged me.

"san don't cry, she's okay, you can go see her" he whispered and I pulled away from the hug immediately, giving the doctor a bright smile before running out the room.

I pushed open the door with tones of power, standing frozen in between the door frame as I watched mingi hold her hand and lightly brush his fingers through her hair.

I was about to turn around and leave but mingi noticed me and spoke, "where are you going". I turned back around to face him, seeing his eyes look into mine with curiousity.

"I thought you might want some alone time with her" I said and he giggled, standing up and walking over to me with a tiny but genuine smile.

"when will you finally tell her your feelings". I lowered my head at the sudden question, I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know mingi, what if she deosnt like me back" I muttered, lifting my head back up to look at the taller with my glossy eyes.

"you'll never know until you try" he replyed with a smile, lightly tapping my shoulder before exciting the small, dark room.

I slowly walked up to the table she peaceful slept on, taking a seat on the chair beside her. A smile creeped up on my face as I watched her chest rise and fall.

"you scared me you know" I said with a small giggle, brushing my fingers through her tangled hair and later lightly cupping her warm rosie cheek.

"I love you Minhea" i whispered, carefully bringing her hand up to my cheek that was wet from all my tears. "so wake up soon, so I could tell you" I muttered, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles and later resting my head on her chest, allowing myself a short nap.

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