Chapter 16 - Pity

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Minheas pov:

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Minheas pov:


"1, 2... 3 down" the shadow said with a maniacal laugh, showing me 3 fingers.

"where is he" I screamed as tears fell onto the stone floor. "you want to see him" the shadow asked calmly and I nodded as my sobs got quiter, knowing that I'll see my friend soon.

"bring him in and chain him up next to her" he said and I looked up at the door and screamed from pain.

His jaw was broken and his teeth were ripped out to not be able to bite anyone. His eyes were dull and lifeless, his skin was pale. He was dead.

"mingi" I screamed and cryed as I saw his body getting chained up next to mine. "he's still alive so why are you crying" the shadow asked and I looked at him with anger and fire in my eyes.

"he's a zombie, you killed him, you fucking killed him!" I screamed, trying to get my hands and legs free from the chains and tiring my skin off.

End dream:

"you killed him, why" I screamed as I shot my body up and saw san sitting beside me, looking at me with worrie in his eyes.

"it was just a dream" he whispered as he hugged me tightly and brushed his fingers through my long, raven hair.

"ill go take look out" I said as I pushed san of my body and exited the room, making my way over to the living room.

"why aren't you asleep" seonghwa asked and I looked at him with tierd eyes. "is it alright if I look out with you for a bit" I asked and he nodded.

"wooyoung, go get some rest" seonghwa commanded and wooyoung nodded, leaving in the direction of his chosen room.

"what's wrong Minhea" seonghwa asked, passing me a bottle of water and a packet of crisps.

"san is being wierd, really wierd" I said, taking a seat on the sofa and seonghwa followed, taking a seat beside me and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"maybe you should give him a chance" he said in a calming voice as I looked down at my hands.


Sans pov:

"your such a fool" I told myself as I layed my body down on her bed, hugging myself into her blanket and closing my eyes until I heard the door open and I shot up in hopes that Minhea came back, but mingi stood there, staring at me in shock.

"what are you doing" he questioned as a couple of tears fell down my rosie cheeks. "I messed up mingi" I muttered and he sat next to me, side hugging me and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.

"Minhea just needs some time" my oreo haired friend said and I moved away from him, looking at him with eyes of hope.

"so you think she could still forgive me" I muttered, whipping away my tears as a smile appeared on my face.

"prove to her you care and I know she'll forgive you eventually" he said as I layed my head on his lap and let him brush his fingers through my oreo hair.

"back in Sanin, when I was drunk, I told her that drunk words are sober thoughts and I tryed to... Kiss her" I said as I sat up to look at mingi who was staring at me with disbelief.

"the reason to why I was so mean to her at the begging was becuase I didn't trust her, but later I started crushing on her and I hated myself for it" I conffesed looking down at the blanket that covered my body.

"you... Like her" mingi muttered, looking at me with shock and I nodded, not once looking up at him as I couldn't.

"all I want is for her to forgive me" I said, finally placing my eye on him as a single tear made its way down my cheek.

"tell her, how you feel" mingi said with a smile before leaving the room.


Wooyoungs pov:

"yeosang" I whispered as I entered the small bedroom quietly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping doctor.

I slowly tiptoed over to my sleeping bag until I heard yeosang mutter something to me in a deep, tierd voice.

"couldn't sleep again" he asked quietly as he sat up, patting the spot next to him and I walked over, laying down and feeling his fingers lightly brush against my forehead as he took of my banda.

"try and get some sleep woo" he whispered as he put his hand over my chest, snuggling me into his body as I dazed off into the land of sleep.


Minheas pov:

"what if he starts hating me again" I snapped and seonghwa giggled, placing a small smile on his lips as he looked at me with loving eyes.

"Minhea, your like a little sister i always dreamed of being able to love and protect so trust me when I say i know that san never hated you".

My eyes widened as seonghwa said those words. A huge smile appeared on my face as I hugged him tightly.

"go back and sleep" he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "but who's gonna help you with look out" I asked and he smiled.

"ill wake yunho up" he said, pushing me playfully in the direction of my room.

I eneterd the room and was going to speak to san until I found him passed out in my bed, cuddling my blanket tightly.

I giggled as I walked over to him, covering his sleeping figure with the covers and placing a soft kiss on his forhead before exiting the room and spending the night with seonghwa and yunho in the living room.

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