Chapter 26 - First Place Down, More To Go

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Sans pov:

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Sans pov:

We made it to the first destination, Busanjin police station. I tryed to concentrate hardly on finding the weapons but my mind constantly travelled to minnie and if she's okay.

"keep your eyes open for anything that looks suspicious" the captain authorised, before walking of into the building with seonghwa.

"why are you looking so down" Jongho asked, walking with me around the building. "I'm worried about Minhea, but don't worry I won't let her distract me" I replyed, slowly walking into a room with my daggers in both my hands.

"it's nice that your thinking about her" Jongho mentioned before stabbing his knife through a zombies head. "she didn't deserve to be treated like crap" Jongho added and I froze, lowering my weapon and looking at him with annoyance.

"you didn't have to remind me of that" I commented with anger in my voice and Jongho giggled, looking at me with a smile.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention" he said as I rolled my eyes, throwing my dagger into a zombies eye which was behind the maknae.

"thanks" Jongho said before pulling out the dagger from the zombies eye and passing it to me.


"did anyone find anything" hongjoong asked as he entered the reception with seonghwa beside him.

"no, just tones of zombies" Yunho replyed and the rest of us nodded in agreement with yunhos statement.

"there must be something here, something we missed" the captain commented with disappointment, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

"we should split up into pairs and look around" the captain stated and we all nodded, agreeing with the idea before walking of with our chosen partners.


Minheas pov:

"you gave us all such a scare" mingi muttered with a small smile as he rubbed his thumb softly on my forehead.

"you don't have to worry about me, I've been through worse then a seizure" I said with a light giggle, flinching slightly from the harsh pain I felt in my stomach.

"how's woojin" I asked, looking at his cute smile fade as soon as I mentioned the innocent girl.

"she's trying" was the only thing he said as he interlocked his hand in mine, still rubbing my forehead lightly with his thumb.

"I have to check on your wound" yeosang said as he entered the room. "mingi would you mind stepping out for a bit" he asked and mingi nodded before pressing a soft kiss on my forehead and leaving the room.

"deos the your stomach hurt" yeosang asked as he lifted my shirt, examening the injery.

"not to much" I replyed with a smile as he cleaned the injery with an antiseptic whipe.

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